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Jeongguk stood, waiting for Taehyung while feeling his hands shake by his sides.

He was standing on the balcony; the balcony that was almost like a second home to him, the balcony where he was about to tell the same silver-haired boy he had met one cold August night that he knew what he really was.

Nervous was an understatement for how he was currently feeling, and Jeongguk wasn't sure if he needed to vomit or collapse (maybe both). He knew Taehyung probably wasn't going to show up today - and a part of him felt relieved at that - but, he still needed Taehyung to come, since he wanted to get this over with and never see him again.

He couldn't keep this secret to himself for much longer.

Jeongguk had quickly made a wooden stake before he came, just in case things got out of control. He planned to use it to defend himself since he knew fighting Taehyung would turn into a bloodbath.

To the younger's surprise, he soon heard footsteps, and once he turned around he was met with the boy he wasn't expecting to even show up.

Jeongguk felt his jaw slightly drop as he saw him. This was Taehyung; the same Taehyung that was a vampire that feasted on blood and lied to him just about everything.

Jeongguk didn't want to believe that, though. He wanted to believe that Taehyung really was his witty friend that was there and for him and always listened to what he had to say. But, he knew that he had to face the truth.

"Hey" the older spoke. His voice was just as low yet satisfying as before, the only difference that Jeongguk noticed about the older was that he was wearing a purple ring on his lips, but that was nothing compared to everything that was about to go down.

"Hey" Jeongguk replied "I didn't think you would come."

"Yeah, me either" Taehyung said.

It was quiet, and Jeongguk truly had no idea how he was going to confront him about all of this. Should he just straight up say "hey I know you're a vampire!" or should he just play is casual and say "I know what you are."

"Listen if this is about me avoiding you I can-"

"No" Jeongguk said, shutting him down "no, no it's not about that. It's something else."

To be honest, Jeongguk had almost forgotten about Taehyung avoiding him.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows "what is it about, then?"

Jeongguk sighed, growing quiet. It only made the older more anxious.

"Jeongguk, you're freaking me out," Taehyung said, "what's wrong?"

Suddenly, the words came to Jeongguk and he felt more confident: "who are you?"

Taehyung blinked in disbelief "excuse me?"

"Who are you?" Jeongguk repeated, "because clearly, I don't know."

"Jeongguk, you're not making any sense-"

"-Why is your skin so cold?" The younger suddenly asked "I mean, no one's born that cold. Why don't you ever eat? And don't say you do when you're not with me, because I know you don't."

"Why do you get as far away from me when I'm bleeding?" Jeongguk continued "a-and how are you so quick at everything? How did you push me out of the road so quickly? And why can you only meet at night? And I know it's not because you're 'too busy."

Taehyung was frozen, and his eyes held pure fear.

"Who are you, Taehyung?" Jeongguk said, taking a step closer "because clearly, I don't know."

"You do" Taehyung replied, "you know exactly who I am."

Jeongguk shook his head because deep down, he didn't want any of this to be true. "no, I don't."

"You do-"

"Tell me I'm wrong" Jeongguk begged "tell me I'm crazy, or that I'm just imagining things. Please, please tell me that."

"I can't," Taehyung said sadly "I can't because it's true."

It was silent, and Jeongguk could hear his heart pounding so fast that he was sure the older could also hear it.

Taehyung looked at the younger, and then he said three words that both destroyed yet satisfied the boy.

"I'm a vampire."

All the color from Jeongguk's face disappeared, and the reality of this situation truly sunk in.

The younger then took out his wooden stake, holding out in front of him in order to protect himself "h-how is that even possible? You're crazy...this whole thing is fucking crazy-"

"Jeongguk calm down" Taehyung tried to reassure him, though there was a hint of fear in his voice "you're in shock right now, just put down the stake and-"

"-No! Get the hell away from me!" Jeongguk exclaimed "you really think I wouldn't find out?! How long were you planning on keeping that a secret? Years, decades? Wait...was that the reason why you started avoiding me?!"

"Jeongguk please just listen to me," Taehyung said, his eyes begging him to put down the stake.

But Jeongguk wouldn't listen "what would happen if I had bled really badly, would you lose control? O-or if you killed me? I mean, would you do it? If you got too close or too hungry...would you kill me?"

Taehyung gently grabbed Jeongguk's palm, pulling it down to his side along with the stake. His hand brushed where his bandage was, and Jeongguk tried to ignore the flutter in his heart at the small action.

"I would never do that" Taehyung spoke, his voice sounding softer than silk "Jeongguk, I would never hurt you."

The younger glanced down at their hands, and he slowly pulled away, putting the wooden stake back in his pocket.

"I don't trust you, Taehyung."

Taehyung's face was completely devoid of emotion, and it was silent, the only other sound being heard was the sound of the cars driving below them.

"To be honest, you made the right decision avoiding me," Jeongguk said, "because I think it's best if we go our separate ways."

"Jeongguk, please let's just talk about this" Taehyung spoke, trying to touch the younger again "I can explain everything-"

"-Don't touch me!" Jeongguk snapped, pulling away from him. "Leave me alone, okay? I don't wanna see you anymore."

Jeongguk then stormed away, leaving Taehyung on the balcony, all alone. The door slammed as Jeongguk left, and Taehyung felt a lump form in his throat.

He never thought this day would come.

Taehyung felt tears rising in his eyes, though he quickly fought them back down his throat, not wanting to cry. He didn't know why he was so upset over this, maybe it was because he never worried about Jeongguk finding out the truth, but deep down he knew he would find out someday.

He just didn't know it would be sooner rather than later.

Taehyung was in pain because he had just lost the only person that didn't make him feel like a monster, and Jeongguk was in pain because he had lost the only person that didn't make him feel like a freak.

They both had lost the only people that made them both feel alive. 

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now