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Jeongguk was lost in a daze.

He was a bit tipsy, so maybe that was part of it. But the main cause of it had to be Taehyung since the older always found a way to make him feel weak.

They had been making out for god knows how long now in some random person's room, and Jeongguk always seemed to melt into his arms. His lips were far from swollen and he had forgotten all about Jimin, Hoseok, and even the entire world.

Taehyung's mouth soon found the younger's neck, and Jeongguk suppressed a moan, even though he knew no one would probably hear it. Jeongguk was seated on a small yet wide dresser, and his back went against the wall as he closed his eyes feeling the older suck his neck. 

Taehyung's lips found Jeongguk's again, and they continued kissing, both fully lost in each other. They both were so lost that Taehyung accidentally bit the younger's lip, again.

Even though Jeongguk didn't bleed much, it affected Taehyung more than it should.

Taehyung had been keeping it a secret from the younger, but he had a feeling that it was about to come out. Once a month, Taehyung would try to go as long as he could without blood, in other words, he fasted. Yoongi always told him how unhealthy it was for him since he was trying to go so long without food, but Taehyung did it because he was trying to control his cravings.

Taehyung hasn't eaten in almost forty-eight hours, so his face immediately turned and he held onto the wall to try and control himself.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jeongguk asked, trying to touch him "I thought it wasn't that bad-"

Taehyung pulled away "shit."

Jeongguk frowned "Tae, what's wrong?"

Taehyung felt the wall begin to crack him his grip "I haven't eaten in almost two days."

Jeongguk's eyes widened, "what do you mean you haven't - oh god... why would you go that long?!"

"Trying...to...control...my-" but Taehyung could barely finish his sentence, as he felt his hunger kick in tenfold.

"Fuck, we have to get you out of here-"

"I-I can't go out there" Taehyung managed to get out "too...too many people."

Jeongguk began to panic. There was no other way to get out of the bedroom (though there was a window, Jeongguk didn't know if he would survive that fall) and he had to think fast.

He knew he affected Taehyung in a way no one else did, he knew that he calmed him down and gave him a sense of peace and comfort. Jeongguk seemed to be the only one that was able to calm him down, and right now he needed to do that. 

"We can go out there, you just have to hold my hand," Jeongguk said more to himself than Taehyung "yeah, hold my hand and I'll guide you out of here."

"It's not that simple" Taehyung mumbled.

"It might not, but the least we can do is try," Jeongguk said, grabbing the older's hand "just focus on my hand and voice, okay?"

Taehyung attempted to nod and the younger led him out, though his heart was pounding.

Taehyung hid his face while still attempting to hold Jeongguk's hand, but once they walked down the stairs they both realized there were hundreds of drunk teenagers dancing, and Taehyung felt himself beginning to break.

"You're gonna get through this" Jeongguk reassured him, even though he was the least confident of the two "we're gonna do this together, okay?"

Taehyung squeezed the younger's hand as he led him outside, and as they walked out, Taehyung repeated Jeongguk's words over and over in his head.

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