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Jeongguk winced as confetti was thrown in his face and Hoseok blew into one of those loud birthday horns. But he tried to smile because really he was appreciative.

It was September 1st, and Jeongguk was now eighteen years old. It was around twilight, and Jimin and Hoseok had arrived for the younger's official birthday party. 

"We've come bearing gifts!" Hoseok said as he and Jimin walked inside.

"I thought we usually do gifts after cake?" Jeongguk asked.

"Yeah, well I'm just too excited for you to see it" Hoseok smiled "so open mine first."

"No, open mine first" Jimin argued.

As the two other boys began bickering, Jeongguk shut them up. "Okay, okay! I'm opening Hoseok's first since he seemed the most excited."

Hoseok stuck his tongue out at Jimin as Jeongguk held his gift, beginning to tear the wrapping paper off of it. The gift looked big, and Jeongguk had no idea what could be under the wrapping paper.

Once he got the box, he opened it and found a giant stuffed animal of a bunny.

"This is so cute!" Jeongguk exclaimed as he examined the item.

"I got it just for you since you've always been our little bunny" Hoseok replied.

Jeongguk hugged his friend as he thanked him, and he was soon handed Jimin's present. It wasn't as big as Hoseok's, but that didn't mean anything to the younger boy.

Once he saw what was inside, he gasped and began jumping up and down.

"Oh my god I got Red Velvet's new album I got Red Velvet's new album!" Jeongguk squealed, his voice sounded high pitched.

Jimin smiled as Jeongguk pulled him into a hug, practically squeezing his friend. "You guys are the best, really."

"We know, we know," Hoseok said, ruffling the younger's hair.


Jeongguk sat in the middle of a sobbing Hoseok and a quiet Jimin, as they all finished the last few minutes of Titanic.

Jeongguk had picked out his favorite movie, Titanic, and the three boys had just spent three hours watching it while eating popcorn (though most of it had spilled on the floor in the end).

While Hoseok was sobbing his head off, Jeongguk and Jimin were completely calm. Though Jeongguk might've appeared calm on the outside, on the inside, he felt like crying too.

All he could think about was Taehyung when he watched it.

He didn't exactly know why; maybe it was the forbidden love story involved, the tragic ending, or even the intimate way the two main characters looked at each other. Either way, Jeongguk was missing him, again.

Finally, the movie ended, and Hoseok violently blew his nose into a tissue.

"Oh my god, how are you both so calm?!" Hoseok exclaimed, "that movie was so depressing!"

"I've seen it a thousand times already" Jeongguk mumbled.

"Jimin, I swear I thought I heard you sniffling" Hoseok exclaimed.

"I-I wasn't!" Jimin replied though it was obvious he was lying.

As Hoseok tried to get Jimin to admit he cried, there was a knock at the door. The two boys fell silent, surprised.

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now