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Jeongguk couldn't remember the last time he had felt this tranquil. 

After the two boys had talked more out, they decided to go to Taehyung's. Yoongi wasn't home, and Taehyung wasn't sure where he was, but thankful that they would be able to be alone. 

Now, they were lying in Taehyung's bed, holding each other. It was silent, and Jeongguk liked it that way. Even though they were saying nothing, Taehyung's touch said enough. Jeongguk realized how long it's truly been since they've done this; just holding each other and basking in the other's mere presence.  

He knew they shouldn't be doing this.

Jeongguk knew he needed to stay away from Taehyung - it would only put him in more danger and Jeongguk in more trouble.

But a part of him didn't care.

Of course, he cared about Taehyung's safety, but staying away from him without the latter knowing of the true circumstances was torture before. Now, he was happy to be with the older with no one to stop them (for the time being). 

As Jeongguk was lost in his own thoughts, one old yet important one crossed his mind. He wanted to tell Taehyung since it wasn't a big deal anymore, but then he wondered if it was even relevant.

Jeongguk sighed to himself. He deserved to know though.

Taehyung heard and immediately noticed the younger's distress. "What is it?"

Jeongguk turned so that he was looking directly at the older, and since their faces were at such a close proximity Jeongguk saw everything. His gray eyes and his light skin, and most importantly the black lip ring that sat on his bottom lip.

If he could, Jeongguk would stare at Taehyung all day.

"Um, I just remembered something I never told you" Jeongguk spoke. "It was something that happened a while ago."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. "Why are you telling me now, then?"

"Because it's over" Jeongguk replied. This only made Taehyung more confused.

"You know Jimin, right?" Jeongguk started.

Taehyung nodded, remembering him from earlier. "Your friend? Yes, I remember."

"He uh, he thought he liked me" Jeongguk revealed, "when we were dating, he confessed to me. But he's moved on now, I think it was just a phase or something."

Jeongguk was waiting for Taehyung to reply, unsure of what his response would be like. The older only smiled.

The younger felt his heart flutter.

"What?" Jeongguk whispered, surprised to have gotten that reaction.

"It's kind of ironic, actually" Taehyung replied. "I met with Jimin today."

Jeongguk's eyes widened. "Wait, what?"

Taehyung smiled again, and Jeongguk realized how much he'd missed seeing him do that. He missed seeing him happy.

He had missed him.

"Your friends were the ones that convinced me something was wrong with you," Taehyung told him "Jimin and Hoseok, they practically told me that you were trying to protect me."

Jeongguk was shocked but still smiled to himself. He knew he didn't deserve his friend's kindness but still made a mental note to himself to thank them later.

"But thank you for telling me" Taehyung suddenly said. "I appreciate it."

Jeongguk gave him a shy smile, and buried his head into the older's neck, wanting to inhale the scent of him for a bit longer. 

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now