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Taehyung had lost all sense of time.

He didn't know if it's been days, weeks, or even months. It felt like an eternity had passed though, and the only thing he knew was true was that he was trapped and being held captive by vampire hunters.

Taehyung was being held in a small room with clear glass and a door that can only be opened using a combination he knew he could never guess. When he looked outside the glass, he saw nothing but a hallway and similar rooms beside him. In some of them, other vampires were being held just like him. Whether they were dead or alive was a different story, though.

It made him sick to his stomach, seeing all those other vampires suffer, just as he was. Sure they might have killed people, but they had no choice. If they didn't eat they would starve, and it wasn't like they chose to become a monster. They didn't deserve to be treated like nothing.

Taehyung felt like he was dying.

He was wrapped up in chains that gave his skin marks and his body ache. At first, the chains felt like nothing but fabric to the boy, but sitting in them for so long became so uncomfortable that Taehyung tried breaking through them. It was no use, though.

They would've been easy if they were any other type of chains. Taehyung would've just broken them and then broken down the door and ran.

But these were wooden chains.

Taehyung didn't know how they would have wooden chains of all things, but he's learned to stop underestimating these hunters.

Taehyung was hungry.

He was so, so hungry.

He didn't know how long it's been, but he knows that it's been almost or more than twenty-four hours. He knows that it's harder for him to control himself since he hasn't fasted since the incident, and he knows that he's clueless about what's going to happen to him next.

Those fucking vampire hunters.

Before Taehyung could think further about how he was going to die, the door opened.

Jeongguk's mother waltzed toward him. Like it was the easiest, simplest thing in the world. Like Taehyung didn't feel like he was dying.

Taehyung scanned her hands. She didn't have anything in them.

"What the hell do you want?" He grunted, his voice sounding hoarse.

"I was just checking on you, actually" she replied. She sounded so casual, so calm that it drove Taehyung insane.

He wanted nothing more than to rip her heart out of her chest.

She did stay a reasonable amount of distance from him, probably because she sensed his hunger. Taehyung assumed that because he knew that if she got any closer he might lose his mind.

Or has he already lost it?

Was it even there in the first place, even?

Taehyung didn't say anything to her after that. Instead, he just stared at the ground and tried to ignore the steady drumbeat of her heart and the smell of her fresh, human blood.

It was silent for a long time until she uttered: "you know, it was only a matter of time before I found out."

"Found out about what?" Taehyung asked, confused as to what she meant.

"A few days ago, Jeongguk texted me to let me know he was sleeping at a friend's house" she started. Taehyung immediately knew where this was going.


She knew.

This was why he was here.

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now