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"I've never been in your room before."

Taehyung carefully studied the features in Jeongguk's room as he looked around, finding himself almost fascinated. Jeongguk felt himself grow a little nervous, afraid that Taehyung could potentially find something embarrassing that he didn't want him to see.

"So, why did you want to come to my house?" Jeongguk asked. 

"Oh, I don't know," Taehyung said, sitting down on the bed "I've never been before, so I was curious if it was even real."

Jeongguk bit back a smile, and he sat beside him on his bed, both with their heads against the headboard. "Seen anything exciting so far?"

"Not yet," Taehyung said, grinning at him. 

The two boys had treated their last encounter almost as if it never even happened. Though Jeongguk wanted to talk about it, Taehyung never did and nothing seemed awkward between them, so he decided to just keep his mouth shut. Because right now, everything was completely normal. 

Too normal.

"Your bed is so comfy, I might accidentally fall asleep," Taehyung said.

"Are you even able to sleep?" Jeongguk asked, suddenly curious.

"Yeah, only it's not like we'll be affected without it" Taehyung replied, "we can sleep whenever we want, and we can also survive if we don't sleep for forty-eight hours or more."

Jeongguk nodded, surprised by the sudden explanation. Taehyung's eyes continued to wander the younger's bedroom, and he felt himself laugh as he found a single item.

"Oh my god, is that a Red Velvet poster?!"

Jeongguk felt his cheeks turn pink; he should've known there was something he didn't want the older to see. "T-that's really old. I've just been forgetting to take it down."

"Uh-huh," Taehyung said, reaching for the younger's phone, which was on the nightstand beside him. "Is that Joy photocard in your phone case-"

"Okay! Okay, maybe I love them a lot" Jeongguk confessed, making Taehyung turn around, with a grin still present on his lips. "My birthday's coming up soon so I'll be getting more merch."

"Really? Your birthday's coming up?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah, September 1st" Jeongguk replied. 

For some reason, Taehyung continued laughing. Even though Jeongguk thought it was the prettiest sound he's ever heard, he didn't understand why the Red Velvet thing was still so amusing.

"What? What's so funny about it?" Jeongguk asked.

"No, no, I'm not making fun of you" Taehyung clarified "I like it, I think it's...I don't know, I think it's kinda cute."

Jeongguk felt his heart flutter, and an awkward silence fell between them as they ran out of things to say.

"Actually, I have something kind of like that too" Taehyung eventually spoke, "I'm a big fan of Hyuna."

"Really?" Jeongguk replied, unconvinced.

Taehyung nodded "oh really. My Hyung likes to make fun of me for it, but I know he secretly likes her too. I mean, who doesn't?"

Jeongguk giggled, "yeah, who doesn't?"

It fell silent again, and Jeongguk's heart began pounding once it noticed how close he and Taehyung's hands were. With one simple motion, they would be practically touching.

"I can hear your heartbeat again" Taehyung spoke, catching the younger off guard.

He placed his hand on Jeongguk's heart, which only made it speed up more. The younger looked up and into his eyes, and Taehyung returned the motion.

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