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"So would you care to tell me why Jimin and you are avoiding each other?" 

Jeongguk turned his head to see Hoseok walking into the library. Jeongguk has been spending his recent lunches in the school library since he had no one else to sit with anymore and surprisingly, the quietness was soothing.

Jeongguk didn't feel comfortable talking to Jimin ever since the whole incident, so he decided to avoid him completely. Jeongguk assumed that Jimin remembered everything since he avoided him as well.

"He didn't tell you?" Jeongguk asked, putting down his book.

Hoseok took a seat at the table where Jeongguk was "nope. I've been trying to get it out of him for days. So I thought I would go to you."

Jeongguk sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Do you remember when Jimin and you went to a party without me?"

Hoseok nodded, waiting for him to continue. "Anyways, since my house was close by Jimin walked there. He was drunk as fuck, and he told me all of this stuff that I didn't believe at first, but it's gotta be true."

Hoseok's face darkened "oh god, what did he say?"

Jeongguk hesitated, then replied with: "he told me he's in love with me."

Hoseok bit his lip, swearing under his breath to himself. This made Jeongguk confused.

"What - did you know?" He asked.

Hoseok hesitated, then nodded "yeah, he told me."

"When?" Jeongguk exclaimed, feeling confused and shocked all at once.

"The night we went all to that party with Taehyung" Hoseok began "I found him crying and he confessed to me. I told him not to fuck up you and Taehyung's relationship because I knew how happy you were, and even though he wants you to be happy too, deep down he wants you to himself I think."

"Maybe," Jeongguk said, thinking about it more. In his conscience and everyday state, Jeongguk never would have noticed; but when he was drunk and extremely vulnerable, he seemed to let loose and showed his true colors more.

"I wasn't planning on telling you if I'm being honest," Hoseok said "I was hoping that Jimin might have been exaggerating and that he would be over it in a few weeks. I hoped that you never had to get involved."

"You did a good job" Jeongguk replied, "I had no idea Jimin felt that way."

It fell silent after that, and none of the boys really knew what to say. Hoseok turned to his friend, wearing a distraught expression across his face "well, what are you going to do?"

"Honestly, I don't know," Jeongguk said, "I don't know how long I can avoid Jimin, but I don't know what else to do."

"I think you should talk to him" Hoseok replied "I know it may sound like the worst idea, but I think you need to draw a line in the sand if you know what I mean. You wanna be with Taehyung, right?"

Jeongguk nodded "yeah, of course."

"Then tell him that," Hoseok said.

"But, I don't wanna break his heart" Jeongguk replied.

Hoseok gave him a look "sometimes you might have to break someone's heart in order to get what you want."

Jeongguk sighed. He knew he didn't want to be with Jimin, but he didn't want to hurt him any more than he did that night. Sadly, Jeongguk knew that he probably had too, but he was scared that it would ruin their friendship.

And Jeongguk didn't want to lose such a precious friend. 

Jeongguk felt his phone vibrate, and he opened it to see that there was a text from his mother. It said that he had to come home early because she needed to talk to him about something important.

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now