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"So then they found the body, and it was completely drained from blood! And my mom was like - are you even listening to me?!"

Jeongguk looked up from his phone to be met with an annoyed Hoseok. The two were at Hoseok's locker, and the older had been telling Jeongguk a story. But, the younger hadn't been paying attention since he had been on his phone the entire time.

Jeongguk looked up "what?"

Hoseok slammed his locker door shut "did you hear anything I just said?"


The older rolled his eyes "what are you doing, anyway? You've been staring at your phone since lunch."

"Nothing" Jeongguk lied.

Really, he has been texting Taehyung.

Ever since the day they decided to end their feud, Jeongguk and Taehyung hung out every Monday and Friday night, just like they promised. Though Jeongguk couldn't see Taehyung during the day, that didn't stop the older from texting him.

To be honest, Jeongguk was beginning to forget why he detested him so much in the first place.

Taehyung was a friend that Jeongguk never knew he needed. Though they only just met, Jeongguk felt a connection to the older that he couldn't seem to explain just by using words. He definitely preferred being friends with him then loathing him whenever they come in contact.

Also, Jeongguk felt himself slowly getting over Jimin. Though he knew he still wasn't completely over the older, he felt like his feelings were decreasing, which was good.

Things were going pretty well for him.

Until he turned around.

Before Hoseok could question Jeongguk any further, they both heard whispers from behind the younger.

"Oh my god, guys, the murderer in front of me!"

"Wait wait, wait, guys, if he hears us, legend has it that he'll drown us!"

Jeongguk felt his blood boil as he turned around, seeing Dong-Sun and his gang standing right behind him. Dong-Sun constantly bullied him, he's been doing it since they both were in the fifth grade. Jeongguk truly had no idea why he did, since all of the things he bullies him about happened years ago.

"What do you want?" Jeongguk snapped, tired of them.

"Woah, you sound a little angry" Dong-Sun said, "Are you going to drown us, as I said?"

"Just ignore them, okay?" Hoseok whispered, "let's get out of here."

Jeongguk bit the inside of his cheek, ignoring his friend "for the last time, I didn't kill him. It was an accident and a stupid rumor, okay? Get over it, it happened forever ago."

Before Jeongguk could leave with Hoseok, Dong-Sun grabbed his arm, stopping him "you say that, but how we can believe you?"

Jeongguk pulled his arm away "I've been saying it for years now!"

Dong-Sun seemed to have ignored him, since he continued speaking "speaking of which, his anniversary is coming up. How long has it been? Six years? Tough, losing a brother - oh wait, killing a brother-"

Before Dong-Sun could continue what he had been saying before Jeongguk punched him straight in the jaw.

Hoseok, along with the rest of the students who had been watching gasped, making most of the hallway fall silent. Dong-Sun regained his balance before smirking and then punching Jeongguk in the eye.

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now