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"Hey, are you guys busy tomorrow night?" Jimin asked he sat down, making the two other boys turn their heads. 

It was lunch, and Hoseok and Jeongguk had been deep in conversation before Jimin came and sprug the most random question onto them. Hoseok hesitated before he gave the other boy a reply: 

"No" he said. 

"I'm not either" Jeongguk spoke, "why do you ask, though?"

"My parents are out of town" Jimin replied, "so, I thought it would be fun to have a small get together, with just the three of us, and all hangout."

"Park Jimin's going behind his parents back to throw a mini-party!?" Hoseok exclaimed, pretending to be shocked "I never would've guessed it!"

Jimin rolled his eyes "shut up Hobi. Anyways, are you guys in? It sounds like you don't have anything better to do."

"Hell yeah" Hoseok replied "what about you Ggukie? Are you in?"

"Sure" the younger replied, "as Jimin said, I don't really have anything better to do."

Jimin grinned at his comment "great! You guys know where to be tomorrow, then. I already know we're gonna have so much fun!" 


"Did you tell Jimin that I was mad at him?" Jeongguk asked, making Hoseok look at him in confusion. They both had just arrived at Jimin's house for the mini party, and Hoseok had just parked his car before he and Jeongguk got out of it.

"N-no, why?" Hoseok asked.

Jeongguk gave him a look that made the older crack.

"Okay, okay! I might've implied it but I didn't tell him directly!" Hoseok said, defending himself.

"Mhm, anyways, why did you tell him in the first place?" Jeongguk asked.

"He was worried about you" Hoseok replied, "I didn't mean for it to slip out, but it did."

Jeongguk felt his heart flutter, but he quickly tried to deny it, reminding himself that he was getting over Jimin. As the two boys walked up to Jimin's door, they could hear loud music coming from inside the house that made them both frown.

Once they opened the door, they were met with something they didn't think they'd see.

The house was packed with loud music blasting from huge speakers and a bunch of teenagers either dancing or making out. Jeongguk already felt uncomfortable, since he didn't do well in big spaces like these.

"I thought this was supposed to be a small party?" Jeongguk asked his friend beside him.

"What?!" Hoseok yelled, not able to hear him.

"I - never mind" Jeongguk replied, deciding to leave and find Jimin.

He wandered around the house, trying to push past others as he did so. He was surrounded by drunken teenagers, and Jeongguk suddenly wished he never came.

Finally, he found Jimin with Namjoon, and surprisingly, they weren't making out. Jeongguk waited until Namjoon left to get a drink before he talked to the older.

"Hey," he said, getting his attention.

"Hey!" Jimin yelled in reply, the music was still blasting, and Jeongguk had to get closer to Jimin in order to fully hear him. "I'm glad you came, where's Hoseok?"

"He's here" Jeongguk replied, "Hey, I thought you said this was going to be a small get together with only the three of us?"

"Oh well, word kinda got out of my party, so when I opened my doors at seven a bunch of people were there!" Jimin said, "I think Namjoon might've said something to one of his friends, he talks a little too much."

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now