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Once Jeongguk arrived home, he immediately shut his door and locked it.  

He made sure to close and lock all of the windows as well, and before he knew it the only sound that he was aware of was of his heartbeat that his even his ears could hear.

Jeongguk then took a quick shower and also noticed that his wrist had been bleeding. After he had cleaned that up he changed into his pajamas and went into his room, beginning to search through his bookcase for a specific novel.

When Jeongguk was younger, he used to be obsessed with magical creatures and the myths from the town of Busan. For Christmas, he received a book filled with information and facts from any mystical creature you could think of, though it also included others that you had no idea even existed.

Jimin and Jeongguk used to look through that book all the time, fascinated about all of the different monsters that they had once believed roamed the earth. As they grew older, they eventually grow out of those myths and the book was kept in a dusty old bookcase, untouched and forsaken.

Until now.

Jeongguk flipped through the pages, looking for one specific chapter. The one that was all about vampires.

The younger began reading the passage, feeling his hands shake as they were laid on the pages.

A VAMPIRE is a dead corpse that walks the earth and must eat human blood in order to survive. The legend of the vampire was originally from Eastern Europe, but now it's insanely popular throughout the entire world. Though they are immortal, vampires can be killed with a wooden stake to the heart, and holy water and garlic are said to harm them as well.

An appearance of a vampire is often a pale-skinned male/female, and they are always cold since they are aren't truly alive. They also are almost always incredibly beautiful, but sometimes in a stranger sense. In order to become a vampire, you must be bitten by one. Though the procedure is much longer than just this, the true way remains a mystery.

A vampire cannot survive in the sunlight, or else they'll be burned to death. The nighttime is a perfect time for a vampire to be out, and they also have an easier chance of hunting their prey that way. Though they're many interruptions of vampires (such as Dracula and more modern ones) we don't know what the true vampires' powers and intentions are, but almost all of them do have one thing in common: the only food they can and will eat is blood.

Vampires are faster at everything than the average human. They are said to be able to run insanely fast and also be able to compel those to do whatever they want. Vampires are also incredibly smart and know exactly what to say, so getting on the bad side of them would not be fun. Vampires are also known for-

Jeongguk stopped reading, trying to catch his breath. Though there was more to the passage, he couldn't keep reading. It was all too much.

Everything made sense now.

Why he couldn't see him during the day.

"I can meet Mondays and Fridays. But only at night."

"At night?" Jeongguk asked.

The older nodded "yeah, that's the only time I can see you. I'm too busy during the day."

Why he was so cold.

"Damn, you're freezing!" Jeongguk exclaimed, "are you cold?"

"No, no I'm fine" Taehyung replied, "my body's normal temperature is just really cold, that's all."

Why he acted so weird when he started bleeding.

"Taehyung? Where are you going?" Jeongguk asked, noticing how he was now standing up.

"I-I was just going to get you another cloth" Taehyung lied, and before Jeongguk reply the older immediately walked to the kitchen.

Why he never eats.

"But seriously - and tell if I'm being insensitive - but do you ever eat? Whenever we go out you never do but you look really fit."

Taehyung turned his head toward the younger "you think I'm fit?"

"I-I mean you look like the average fit Korean man" Jeongguk defended, feeling his cheeks turn pink in the process.

"I'm just messing with you" Taehyung laughed "but I do eat, you just never see me do so."

Why he was so fast. 

Once he ended up on the opposite sidewalk, he heard the sound of a car honk as he looked up at Taehyung. His arms were still around his waist, and the older took them off, placing them by his sides awkwardly.

"H-how did you get there so fast?" Jeongguk asked.

"I'm a fast runner" he replied. 

And finally, why he was eating the bird.

Jeongguk ran his fingers through his hair, not believing that anything of this was real. This couldn't truly be happening. It just couldn't. 

But it was, and Jeongguk was in the middle of it.

The younger found his phone, and with shaky hands, he tried calling Taehyung. He didn't care if he wasn't going to pick up, because he was planning to make him. Jeongguk couldn't keep information like this to himself, so, he decided to convince Taehyung to meet with him.

"Damnit" Jeongguk muttered as he tried calling him again, but to his surprise, he picked up. 


Jeongguk's heart fluttered at the sound of his voice, but he quickly ignored it, trying to focus on the task at hand.

"I know you've been too busy avoiding me to care about anything else, but we need to meet up," Jeongguk said, "and don't you dare hang up on me, because it's urgent."

It was quiet, then eventually he heard Taehyung's voice "wait, are you okay? Do you need to see me right now?"

"No" Jeongguk replied "but tomorrow we need too. Tomorrow at 8:00 PM, meet at the balcony  we first met, and it's important."

"Okay" Taehyung said quietly, then the call ended as quickly as it had started.

Jeongguk sighed, putting his phone down as he shut his eyes, lying back on the floor. He couldn't believe this was all happening, he didn't want to believe this was all of this to be happening.

Kim Taehyung was a vampire. 

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now