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"Good morning Sir."

"Good morning, Sir Jeon."

I'm used to mornings like this. People greeting me on the hallways, breaking their backs from bowing too much. They're all scared of me. The sight of me makes them stop what they're eating, drop the papers they're printing, or walk the other way. I'm not scary. I'm not like my Dad. I'm not my Dad.

But everyone thinks I am.

This is just my first year on the company, yet I already have a bad impression on them. Maybe it's because I don't talk to them? Or smile at them? I don't know. I don't care.

"Here's your favorite coffee, Jungkook-ssi. Despite my busy schedule trying to run your errands, I had time to get your favorite coffee from your favorite coffee shop. I'm amazing, right?"

The only person that's not scared of me and truly knows me is my driver slash secretary slash personal assistant slash bestfriend slash unbiological brother slash- you get it. His name's Jin. He's six years older than me. He has known me since I was ten, he was working as my Dad's driver back then. My bond with Jin was stronger than anything else. He knows me too well, and he can see right through me. He has been a great companion for me for years now.

Whenever I'd have fights with my brother, or Dad, I'd cry in my room. He'd bring me food, comfort me. He drinks with me, cries with me, goes everywhere with me, and he's a brother to me. He was the kind of brother and Dad I never had. He knew me more than my family ever did.

"So, did you finally get her number? The barista?" I said as I grabbed the coffee from him and sat on my seat in my office. No matter how many days have already passed, I'm still not used into this huge space.

"No!" He said, making a sad face. "I can't believe she's not falling for my charms! What am I going to do?"

I looked up from the papers I'm reading and snapped my head in his direction. "Am I hearing this right? You just... asked me what to do? Wow, Mr. Worldwide Cutie Guy is asking me for advice?"

"CUTIE??!!?" He shouted. "It's Worldwide HANDSOME guy. HANDSOME!!!!!" He said as he kept on acting like a whiney child stomping his feet on the floor.

"Arasseo, arasseo." I replied. "Schedule."

Jin took out his ledger and started reciting my daily schedule. "You have a meeting with the CEO and Vice President of Sans Group of Companies by 10 am sharp. We have a board meeting at 3 pm... that's it. That's all on your sched. Oh wait, we also have to get your new car by 6 pm, it was delivered yesterday and they told us to claim it today." A secretary? I don't need that, I have Jin.

"I told you, get a secretary!" Jin whined.

"I have you. I don't need one." I replied.

"Don't you think my good looks doesn't fit my job? Do I look like a secretary to you?"

"Yes!" I shouted, and it startled him. "A handsome secretary." We started laughing.

"That's why I like you, Jungkook-ssi."

I'm still laughing, but he's not anymore. His left hand is touching his earpiece, and his eyebrows are furrowed. "Wae?" I asked.

"Jungkook-ssi." He said. His face is blank, but I don't have a good feeling about what he just heard through his earpiece. "He's here."

Im confused. "Who?" I asked. Jin started running his hands down his face, walking back and forth.

"I...He... I was told that he came home 3 days ago...I told them not to let him in... I.." He stopped walking now, and is staring at me.

"What? Who are you talking about?" He's not making any sense to me. "Who-"

I was cut off when the door to my office suddenly opened, and someone came in.

"Wow, is this your office now? It's nicer than I expected." A familiar voice said. My hands turned into fists and my heart started beating faster at the sound of his voice. I can't help but clench my jaws. I looked at the person who spoke, and it really is him.

"It's been a while, dear brother." He spoke again.

It's been a while indeed, Yoongi.


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