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"Wow, is this your office now? It's nicer than I expected." A familiar voice said. My hands turned into fists and my heart started beating faster at the sound of his voice. I can't help but clench my jaws. I looked at the person who spoke, and it really is him.

"It's been a while, dear brother." He spoke again. He spoke with his American accent. It's been a while since I've seen his face, heard his voice, and saw his smile. But I'm not happy all.

I nodded to Jin, motioning him to get out of the room. He mouthed 'are you ok?' and waited for my nod before he got out.

I looked at Yoongi, who is now seated at my couch. He looked around my office and stared back at me. Smiling.

I hate his smile.

I focused my stare back at the papers on my table. "What do you want," I spoke without looking up.

"Those cookies on your table," he joked. But I'm not in the mood for jokes. His presence pisses me off. "You're not even gonna ask me about my long vacation? It was nice, but now that Dad sent me back here, it sucks that I have lots of things to take care of."

My head snapped in his direction.

Things to take care of?

What could...


It can't be.

"You haven't answered my question," I said. "What do you want?"

"It's not about what I want, actually," he stood up, and started pacing back and forth. "It's what Dad gave me."

I clenched my fists. "Stop beating around the bush and tell me," I said, as calm as possible, but the coldness is evident in my voice.

"The company," he replied, and smirked. "Dad gave me the company to manage. Which makes me the rightful person to sit on that chair you're sitting on."

Please, not this time, too.

And that's when I lost it.

I pounded my table with both of my fists and glared at him. I made a loud sound but Yoongi wasn't startled he just raised his eyebrows as a smirk slowly appeared on his face. After a few seconds, he bursted into a laughter.

"I WAS JOKING!!!!" He shouted between laughs. I waited for him to stop but he still laughed. "Your face...... you....you looked scary man...."

"You seem to be enjoying this, huh?" I chuckled. He must know what I meant because his laughter died down. "You think this is funny?"

Yoongi's smile disappeared. "Jungkook-ah...."

"You took everything from me back then, didn't you, Hyung?" All the anger I bottled up inside all these years are finally coming out. "I was okay when you disappeared, I was doing fine. Then you go back, and steal all that I have again?"

He continued to stare at me, but no words came out of his mouth.

"Well I'm ready for it," I fixed my suit and ran my hands through my hair. "Take all you want, I'm used to it." And with that, I walked out of my office. I have stuff to do today, I don't have time to deal with him. I went on with my day.

But I can't get him off my mind. I'm scared.

This is my last chance, what if he takes everything from me again this time?

— flashback —

"What is this?" My hands are trembling as Dad scanned the pieces of papers I just gave him.

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