• seven •

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"Yes, Marzia. I'd like you to move the meeting next week. I'm still thinking over whether to sign with them or not," I instructed Marzia, the head of the Marketing Department. She's my favorite employee so far. Very smart, responsible, reliable. Though sometimes, she makes me uncomfortable with her... moves.

"Oh, well. I suppose you don't have plans today. I have agendas to talk to you about, what if we talk about them over-,"

"Hand them over to Jin, I'm pretty busy. Thanks, Marzia."

I dropped the call and got up to brush my teeth and wash my face. I put on a pair of hoodie and sweatpants and headed downstairs. The house smells like eggs, bacon, and toasts. But this time, they don't smell burned.

I entered the kitchen only to find Jin and Yoongi seated on the counter, with plates in front of them. They're both watching Hye-jin as she gracefully finished cooking and put food in their plates.

"There you go!" Hye-jin cheerfully said.

"Wow, now that you're here we'll be having better mornings," Yoongi said as he smiled at her, his eyes not leaving Hye-jin.

"Oh hey," Hye-jin noticed me standing and smiled at me. "Breakfast?"

Her hair is a bit unruly, assuming she just woke up. She's wearing my black hoodie that looks like a dress on her, and she has a pair of cat pajamas on. She's... cute.


Wow, stress at work must be really getting into me already.

I walked over to the table, where Jin is gesturing me to come over. I got myself some toast, and turned around to go back upstairs. But before I could leave the kitchen, Hye-Jin ran and tried to stop me by standing in front of me, holding out a plate. It has a huge smiley in it, made up of ketchup. There's bacon and eggs on the side. She continued to stare up at me as if she's expecting me to like it.

"What is this?" I asked.

Her smile only grew wider. "I made it for you, breakfast!" She talked again when she saw me not having any reaction. "I'm your new maid, remember?"

Oh right. "Yes," I was grabbing the plate from her when Jin pulled me into the table with them.

"You have to taste her food, man," Jin said, gobbling up everything on his plate way too quickly I think he might choke. "Soooo good, man. HYE-JIN SSI THANK YOU!" Jin exclaimed and gave Hye-jin a thumbs up.

"Hmm," Unlike Jin, Yoongi was savoring the food, eating slowly. "Milk cheese?"

"Yes!" Hye-jin responded.

"I knew it. This is how I want my scrambled eggs, but they don't cook it like this on hotels and some restaurants."

"Have you tried putting Basil though? That works too!"

"Oh yeah! I've seen on youtube that mayonnaise makes it creamy."

I just stared at them as they continued to talk like that, rambling random stuff about cooking. I caught Jin stealing scrambled eggs from my plate, so I glared at him. I cleared my throat, which made all of them stare at me. "You can start today's work by cleaning the living room." I said.

"But... it's clean. I just cleaned the house last week," Jin said, this time, eating the scrambled eggs from Hye-jin's plate.

"The guest rooms, then."

"Like I said, Jungkook-ah, I just cleaned the house last week," Jin said. "Hye-jin can stay with us, but I don't get why she has to work for us as a maid."

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