• twelve •

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Setting up his daily schedule.

Getting his favorite coffee every morning. A venti sized Latte, with extra sugar.

Contacting clients or partners, announcing meeting schedules to them.

Writing down the agenda of every meeting.

Accepting paper works from the different departments, providing him the pages he needs to read and sign.

For the last two days, I've been running around the building making sure every task Jin has taught me is finished on time. So far, I've been handling it well. Whenever I'm confused or unaware of something, I call Jin. In a span of one day, I was able to make a list of the things I need to do on a daily basis. He also handed me the iPad he's using, which I carry around and use to make everything I do much easier.

"A venti Latte for Jk?"

I walked over to the barista to get the cup of coffee I ordered. When I turned around, I heard a girl scream which gained the attention of everyone at the coffee shop.


The voice came from a woman with long hair, wearing a red coat. Coffee was spilled all over her coat, which I think is what made her mad. A student was in front of her, holding a cup of coffee without its lid.

"I'm so so sorry, I didn't know you were there...you-you must've looked at where you're going..."

The student was cut off when the woman spoke again. "OH, SO NOW YOU'RE BLAMING ME?!" The student flinched at every word that came out of her mouth, because her voice was taking over the place. The student was shaking while struggling to get something from her bag. She took out a handkerchief and was about to wipe the woman's coat, but the woman slapped her hands away and pushed her, causing her to fall down and spill what's left of her coffee. Her books are now all over the floor too. I placed my coffee on a table and approached her. This woman is rude, yet no one is doing anything to help the student.

"Are you okay?" I said as I picked up the books and helped the student get up. She's in the verge of crying.

I look back up at the woman and stood up. That's when I got to have a good look at her face. Sue's very... pretty. Too bad her personality is trashy. And I'm not letting her get away with it. "What is wrong with you?"

She gasped and looked at me from head to toe. "Who are you?"

"I asked you first," I responded. "You're being like this over a stupid coat?"

"Excuse me? Do you even know how expensive this is?!" now, she's screaming at me.

"I don't care about how expensive that coat is. This student apologized to you, and you still caused a scene?" I looked back at the student, who is now hiding behind me, so I grabbed her hand. I looked back at the woman who is now glaring at me. "If you can afford an expensive stupid coat like that, go buy yourself some manners."

She was screaming more words at us, but I pulled the student's hand and took her out of the coffee shop with me. Once we're out, I looked at her and saw that her uniform is ruined from the coffee that was spilled all over her, and that she's looking down. "U-unnie..." she started. She looked at me and gave me a shy smile. "Tha-thanks...."

"Oh it's okay," I fished my skirt's pocket for my handkerchief and gave it to her. "Here, use this."

"Thank you," she said again. "I didn't mean to spill coffee on her coat."

"I know."

"I was holding my books in one hand and my cup of coffee on the other. I saw her coming my way but she wasn't look at where she was going, because she was using her phone. That's when she hit me so my coffee got spilled on her coat. It was completely her fault," she said while wiping her uniform. "Great. I haven't even gotten to school yet."

"Is your house close from here?" I asked.

I offered to walk her home because she said she needed to change. Her house was also close to the coffee shop so it didn't take us long. "Thank you, unnie! Bye now!" She waved at me as I walked away from her house. I waved back to her and said goodbye.

I didn't even get her name, she's a nice girl, I thought to myself.

When I'm finally walking back to the coffee shop I looked at my watch. 8:20 AM.



I was supposed to bring his coffee before 8, so I started running back to the building. After a few seconds, I realized that I don't have the cup of coffee anymore. Oh shit, I thought and ran back to the coffee shop.


What's taking her so long?

I wanted to call her and ask why she hasn't been back here yet, but since the day she started her job, I haven't been talking that much to her. Just when I need something. I don't know why, but the fact that she's getting closer to Yoongi is annoying me. Anyways, I still don't trust her. There's things about her that I haven't confirmed yet. Right now, she's still a mystery to me. I need to keep her beside me while I figure out her identity. Giving her this job will do that.  But I realized, I need to keep this between me and Jin and I need to stop being obvious. I noticed that I've been losing myself around her. And I have to stop that, I need to be my usual self even if she's not around.

So far, she's an easy learner. Jin hasn't been having any hard time teaching her stuff around the building. There's one thing I noticed though, and it's whenever I see her making coffee in the pantry, photocopying documents, or talking to other employees...

...she's surrounded by guys.

Sometimes those guys would offer to carry things for her, or make her tea sometimes.

"Good morning, Hye-Jin!"

Whenever we're together and we see some of my employees, they'd smile and greet her, but not even me. I would also hear people talk about her, and they kept mentioning how "pretty" she is.

Unconsciously, I found myself smiling. Just as I shook the expression off my face, I heard my office door open, with Hye-Jin rushing in. Her hair is a mess, she's panting as if she ran all the way here, and she's holding two cups of coffee.

"I...I'm sorry... I'm late.." she said, breathing heavily between words. She put the cups of coffee on top of a table and sat on the couch. She then turned to me and smiled widely. "Hey."

"What?" I responded without looking away from my laptop.

"I got you your coffee, is there anything else you want me to do at the moment?"

"Hmm," she's probably tired from getting my coffee. "No."

"Okay!" She said. The next thing I knew, she bolted out of my office and I know where exactly she'd go.

I got up and decided to follow her. At the end of the hallway, I saw her close the door. I slowly walked towards Yoongi's office and peeked on his window. Hye-jin was sitting in front of Yoongi's table, reading something, while Yoongi was watching her, pointing at some things on the folder she's reading. Whenever it's her break time or whenever she has time where she's not doing anything, Jin would always find her here. I get jealous sometimes. But if she really is my Berry, I'm glad she's getting along with my brother.

I guess I just hate it sometimes that she prefers to be with Yoongi. Probably because I'm not as fun as him. I'm boring. I'm arrogant. I'm not nice. I'm not Yoongi.

I heard my phone ring because I got a text.

See you tomorrow night ;)

It's from Soo-ah. I closed my eyes out of frustration. I really need to resolve this.

Then I got another one. I opened the text and suddenly, all my frustrations went away and a smile appeared on my face.

Junggoo, I'm coming home in two months!!!

She's finally coming home.


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