• thirteen •

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"What are... assets?"

"Oh, those things that someone has that costs money. A house, a car, a business, or money itself. They're all called assets."

I continued reading everything on the paper. I've studied enough on the orphanage to know some words, but there are "business terms" that I still don't know about. Jin already taught me how this company works, and for the past few days, I've been coming here in Yoongi's office for him to teach me new things.

"Hey," I dropped the folder I was reading and looked at Yoongi. "Jungkook's not talking to me, do you know why?"

He smirked and dropped his pen. "Oh, well that's just his usual self. You gotta get used to that."

I nodded.

"He's worse if he hasn't had his coffee yet."

Which explains why he's grumpy on mornings.

"He also just wants to mind his own business. He does it if he can, but if he doesn't have the time, he hands the work to someone else."

Hmm, which is why he's always drowned in paperworks even if he's basically the boss here.

"He doesn't like it when-"

I cut off Yoongi and spoke. "He made me scrambled eggs," I said.


"He made me scrambled eggs for me once, smiling." I remembered the other morning.

"He's bad at co- wait," Yoongi stared at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "He cooked? For you?"

"Yes," I smiled. Though I couldn't figure out why he was suddenly nice that morning, I smiled.

"He never cooks for anyone. Not even for himself. That's how bad he is at cooking." Yoongi and I laughed, but we were cut off when an employee entered the room.

"Sir, are we having lunch?" He asked.

"Uh," Yoongi glanced over at me for a bit. "No, you guys have lunch, I'll go somewhere." The employee nodded, smiled at us, then closed the door.

"Get up, we're having lunch!" Yoongi said, dragging me out of his office.


"We're here, jungkook-ah."

Jin pulled the car to a stop right in front of a huge gate, with a really big house behind it. It looks more like a mansion, really. The gates are covered with vines, but the letters attached on top of it are still readable: MARYLAND HOME FOR GIRLS.

I got out of the car, while Jin made a phone call. After a few minutes, a middle-aged lady started to appear and is walking towards the gates. She's smiling widely at us, hurrying closer to open the gate.

"Aigoo, I did not expect you to come today, I could've prepared something atleast!" She brightly said. "Come, come."

"It's okay, Grace! We've eaten lunch already before we got here." Jin smiled. When we got inside the gates, there's a pathway towards the mansion. The sides are filled with plants and tall trees. In front of the mansion is wide space that has a big fountain. This place is nice.

As we approached the mansion, a few girls are starting to appear in my sight. Some are sitting on the fountain, some are sitting next to the pillars of the mansion. The lady stopped and turned around to face us. "Welcome," she smiled.

"Oh, Jungkook-ah. This is Grace, she manages this orphanage."

I smiled lightly and shook the lady's hand. "Hello, I'm Jungkook."

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