• twenty eight •

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I couldn't move.

I couldn't believe the words he's saying.

My fists clench tightly with every word that comes out of his mouth.

"That night... we found her."

"Emily and James, they were both dead. But she was alive."

"I sent my men to find her. When they did, they brought her to me."

"She survived the crash, but suffered a critical injury to her head."

"Hyejin... we know she's Avery."

Dad knew she was alive.

Yoongi too.

They both knew she survived, and that I was looking for her, I was begging Dad to save her. They knew. But all they did was take her away from me. Dad... was the one who sent her away. He was the one who put her in that orphanage. He left her there to live a lonely and sad life, when she could've lived with us. All because of how selfish he was. Seeing her... she reminded him of Aunt Emily. And because of that reason, he sent her away.

"Why are you telling me this now?" I finally managed to say.

"Son... I'm sorry. I was selfish." He replied. I did not respond. "I was planning to take her out from the-"

"Do you even know how she lived her life because of you?!" I clenched my fists tighter but I couldn't stop myself from raising my voice. "She didn't even know her parents died, all her life she thought they abandoned her, just like every other girl on that orphanage. She kept questioning herself, what she did so wrong, or what was wrong with her, that her parents had to leave her there. She said she was gonna look for them when it was time for her to go out of that place. Do you even know how she felt... when she discovered that she can't even find or see them anymore, because they were already dead?"

"I didn't want her to know. I was planning to tell her soon... at the right time."

"Who do you think you are to hide this from her?! When you knew, you knew all along!" I can feel so much anger boiling inside me. "Your selfishness made her suffer her whole life."

I didn't let them say another word. I eyed Yoongi, but didn't say anything to him either. He was looking at me with big eyes, as if he wants to say something, because he knew he has done something wrong too. I couldn't stand being in that room anymore, so I left.

I am so mad right now. And I feel bad. How am I gonna face her? How am I gonna say this to her? Or should I even tell her at all?

The fact that she lived alone, in that orphanage, without a glimpse of her memories... must be so hard for her.

I left Yoongi behind and drove away as soon I got in the car. Hyejin was already there, she must've been waiting for me.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked.

I didn't answer her. I couldn't even look at her.

"Wait, what about Yoongi? We left him there. How is he gonna get back home?" She asked again, then sighed deeply when I didn't respond to her. "Jungkook, is something wrong?"

I stayed focused on the road, my hands clutching the wheel tighter with every second.

"Can you atleast tell m-"

I hit the brakes and stopped at the red light, but I think I stopped too sudden.

"Hey!" She exclaimed with a frown on her face.

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