34 | dont touch anything

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34 | don't touch anything

Athena blasted down the door with her magic before picking the gun off of the floor and walking in.

She walked in and pressed the button on the remote, allowing all of their tags to come off.

"I'm looking for korg." She said as she held the massive weapon in her arms.

"Who's asking?" A giant rock man with a high voice walked up to her, "well I know you're asking. Is any one else asking, or is it just you?"

Athena smiled before throwing him the gun, "the lord of thunder sends his best."

Korg clocked the gun before saying "the revolution has begun."


Valkyrie flew her ship through the sky, hitting all of the enemy ships down.

"Open the doors" she said to which Athena assumed was Thor.

Both Banner and Athena were boosted up into Thor's ship. Athena landing perfectly as Banner struggled to stay on. She chuckled before walking over to Thor and taking a seat beside him. "Where's Loki?"

"Betrayed us again, to think he's changed." Thor shook his head as he continued to steer the ship. Athena looked down sadly, she really liked Loki as a person, it was sad to think she might not ever see him again.

"Shouldn't we be shooting back or something?" Banner asked as he unsteadily walked over to the front.

"Yes, we should." Thor said and searched through the buttons. "Where are the guns on this ship?"

"There aren't any!" Valkyrie said through the speaker. "Grand master uses it for his good times, orgys and stuff."

Athena cringed as she immediately withdrew her hand from the chair.

"Did she just say the grandmaster uses it for orgies?" Banner asked.

"Yeah, don't touch anything."

As Valkyries ship flew ahead of them, it got blown up by the enemy ship.

"No!" They all screamed loudly in shock, but immediately relaxed after she landed on the window of the ship.

"Get inside!" Athena yelled to her.

"In a minute." She said before jumping onto one of the other ships.

"I should go and help." Thor said before getting out of the ship. "Here, take the wheel."

"No," Banner said.

"I'll do it." Athena said before moving into the drivers seat and taking ahold of the wheel.

Banner took a seat where she was previously sat "Athena, your fifteen, how can you fly a spaceship?"

"We're part of the Avengers, Bruce." She chuckled "how have you not?"

They continued flying through the air until a yellow enemy ship came up behind them. Athena searched the buttons in a hurry.

"There's gotta be a gun on this thing." Banner said.

Athena looked at one "that looks like a gun."

She immediately pressed the button and all of a sudden, fireworks blew into the sky and music started playing.

"Okay, that's unsettling" she said as she took a large turn. The ship behind her hit the wall and grew into flames.

"Yes!" Her and Bruce exclaimed at the same time as they continued to fly through the air again.

Valkyrie and Thor jumped back into the ship and the doors finally closed.

"Guys, were coming up on the devils anus!" Banner called them over.

"Uh, how old is she?" Valkyrie motioned to Athena.

"Somewhere on the young side, but she's a badass." Thor admitted causing Athena to smile.

"Here we go." Athena said as she drove the plane into the worm hole. She wasn't sure why she was still driving, but no one intervened.

She avoided all the rocks hitting them in the sky as she drove past with ease. The purple lights were scaring her, but she'd never seen anything more beautiful in her entire life.


She woke up with heavy eyes, the place was still dark and gloomy but then they saw it, Asgard, in all its glory.

Valkyrie stood up and viewed it "I never thought I'd be back here."

Athena drove the ship steadily as Banner stood up "I thought I'd be a lot nicer, I mean, not that it's not nice it's just not fire."

"Yeah, not gonna lie, Thor. You made it seem a lot better than it actually is." Athena admitted as she kept the ship driving.

"Around the mountains, heat signatures, people clustered together. She's coming for them." Valkyrie said.

"Athena, drop me off at the palace, I'll draw her away." Thor said.

"And get yourself killed?" Athena looked at him with wide eyes.

"The people trapped down there are all that matters." Thor admitted, and he was right. "When I'm dealing with Hela, I need you three to help get everyone off of Asgard."

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?" Banner asked.

"I have a man on the ground."


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