55 | cheese-wiz

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55 | cheese-wiz

Athena looked out at the soul stone Tony was receiving and almost started to cry again — almost. It had taken her over three hours to stop crying and she told herself she wasn't going to again. But seeing the stone — the thing she sacrificed herself for — sitting right in front of her, Athena wanted to, she needed to. But she couldn't.

She couldn't let Natasha down and she couldn't jeprodize what they needed to do. So, she wasn't going to. Hopefully, by losing Natasha, she will regain what she lost. Peter.

"Alright, the gloves ready." She picked her face up from the iron gauntlet as a Rocket spoke. "Question is who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?"

"I'll do it." Thor volunteered willingly as he walked over to them in a hurry.

"Excuse me?"

"It's okay." Thor assures as they all stopped him from taking the gauntlet.

"Woah, woah, woah." She held Thor back by his arm. She didn't want anyone to screw this up, and Thor could be one of those people.

"Thor, just wait." Steve said "we haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet."

Thor looked blankly at the captain and said "oh, I'm sorry. We're all just sitting here waiting around for the right opportunity?"

"We should at least discuss it." Scott intervened.

"Look, sitting here staring at that thing is not gonna bring everyone back." Thor stated "I'm the Strongest Avenger—"

"Excuse me?" Athena raised her eyebrow as she looked up to him.

"—this responsibility falls upon me." Thor continued as Tony started to talk over him. "Stop it. Just let me. Please, let me do it. Let me do something good, something right."

"It's not just the fact that that glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent. I'm telling you, you're in no condition." Tony stated.

"What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?" Thor asked as he held onto tony.

"Cheese-wiz?" Athena raised an eyebrow as she looked to Rocket who just chuckled.

"Lightning." Thor stated.

"Lightning won't help you, Pal." They all turned to Banner "it's gotta be me. You saw what those stones did to Thanos. It almost killed him." He walked over to the gauntlet and looked down "none of you could survive."

"How do we know you will?" Cap asked.

"We don't." Banner stated "but the radiations mostly gamma. It's like.... I was made for this."

He picked up the gauntlet and they all got into a safe position. "Good to go, yeah?"

"Let's do it."

"You remember everyone Thanos snapped away two years ago and just bringing them back to now, today." Tony stated. "Don't change anything from the last two years."

"Got it." Banner nodded.

Athena stepped beside Rocket and put up a forcefield with her magic as Scott and Rhodes put their helmets on and Tony put up his own forcefield in front of himself and Clint.

"Friday, do me a favour and activate protocol 8." She heard Tony say from beside her. Athena turned her head as doors closed around the windows and roofs.

"Everybody comes home." Banner mumbled as he slowly put the glove on his hand. He fell down onto his knees as the colours coursed through his arms — the colours of each of the infinity stones.

"Take it off!" Thor yelled "take it off!"

"No wait." Steve spoke "Bruce, are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah. He's totally okay!" Athena yelled sarcastically as she looked to Cap who just shook his head.

"Talk to me, Banner." Tony said as the Hulk fell back onto his knees.

"I'm okay." He nodded his head in pain "I'm okay."

Athena bit her lip nervously as she looked down from Rocket back to Banner who lifted up the gauntlet before clicking his fingers.

Everything stopped as the gauntlet fell of Banners hand and he fell to his knees.

Athena looked down at the Hulk and saw everyone surrounding him before she looked over to Clint who was staring down at his phone. She looked over and saw that Laura was calling him.

She smiled and whispered "it worked."

It wasn't all for nothing.

All of a sudden, a large explosion came firing it, blasting bullets down at the building it and demolishing it into pieces.

Athena looked around before feeling a hand grab her wrist. She fell into a pit as a secure arm wrapped around her waist and she landed in a dark tunnel with mountains of rocks falling around her.

"Thea?" Athena sat up slowly when she heard the familiar voice.

"Oh, Clint!" She said as she ran over to him and helped him up from the pile of rocks he'd landed on.

She pulled him up by the hand and saw the red light radiating from his face. She looked down the red tunnel before looking back to Clint.

"We've gotta get out of here, okay?" She asked as he nodded and shone a torch around him.

As he continued to look around, Athena stared down at the rocks before noticing the gauntlet on the ground. Her eyes went wide as she picked it up slowly and dusted it off.

She heard a loud alienic noise from behind her before hearing Clint yell, "Athena, run!"

Her eyes went wide as she turned around and saw a mass of Thanos's army chasing them. She blasted one back before she started to run behind Clint.

"What are they doing back here?" She asked as she continuously shot back energy blasts.

"Who knows." Clint said as he shot back an arrow at one of the aliens.

"Clint," she stopped in her tracks. "On my command, run like hell."

He nodded at her as she turned around and faced the aliens, lighting up a large energy ball in her hand before throwing it at them, causing a large explosion to throw her back.

She stood up and turned back to Clint who was halfway up to the roof and hovered up herself. As more and more came up, she threw more energy blasts at them as Clint got out his sword and slashed some of them.

"You've got this right?" She asked as she landed on the top, seeing Clint lying on the ground.

"Yep, yep, I've got this." He said before taking the gauntlet from her hands.

She nodded as they reached the top before running off, leaving the gauntlet with Clint.


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