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(awesome sound effects)


Frisk held her breath in as she held the razor above her wrist. Blood was dribbling out from the now open wounds and dropping on to the ground with a silent splash.

Tears were streaming down her face as she stared at the mirror, disgusted with how she looked. A new scar on the edge of her forehead that still had a little glass piece in it as blood poured out. 

She gained the new scar on her forehead by her step father. Supposedly and unsurprisingly, he threw a glass bottle at her face which made marks on her face along with the scar on her forehead.

But, hey. It's fine. Nothing a few bandages can't fix. Her bangs can hide her scar as well. 

Dropping the razor on to the ground, it landed in the small pool of blood with the metal clattering against the tiles on the bathroom floor.

Why did she do this? Didn't she get enough from her father already? Well, think back to when she fell in to Mt. Ebott. She had purposely jumped in an attempt to end everything for her. She wanted to return to her mother. 

Struggling to stand up anymore, her legs were shaking and beginning to grow numb as she held on to the edges of the sink.

It stung tremendously when she bent her wrists a little so she retracted her arms back to her side. Shuffling through the bathroom and back in to her own room. She was honestly quite grateful that she had her own bathroom. 

Sitting herself down on to her bed, she sat on the edge of it with a grunt. She brought her arms in front of herself as she pulled the sleeve of her sweater down and stared at the cuts running down from her arms all the way to her wrists.

This had become a bad addiction of hers. A way to relieve stress and a way to... punish herself. 

She still thought back on her previous actions back in those genocide timelines. She knows that it wasn't her fault for those timelines, for she was being possessed, but she still couldn't bring herself to forgive herself. 

Using her hands to cover her face, she quietly sobbed in to them as the pain coursing through her body only added to it.

Downstairs, she heard the loud sound of a door slamming closed. Her dad must've gone out for the night. Presumably down to the bar or just going out with a couple of his junkie friends. 

A sudden ringing sound came from inside her dresser. In surprise, she uncovered her face with her eyes and nose red, tears continuing to fall like an endless stream.

Shuffling on her bed, she opened the dresser and grabbed the phone that Alphys had made for her. Answering the phone, she sniffled a little to try and make it sound like she wasn't crying. Picking up the phone made her wrist sting more though. 

"Hey kid. It's me, Sans." The familiar males voice came from the phone's speaker. She was a little shocked and scared to know that it was him that was calling her out of the blue.

"You there?" He asked, making Frisk snap back to reality. "Y-Yes." She stuttered, her voice sounding more different than usual. 

"You sound a little..." He paused for a second as he thought of a word to describe her. "Sad?" He said it like he was questioning it. 

"N-No, I'm fine. What did you want a-anyways?" She asks. On the other line, Sans felt as if Frisk was lying, but decided not to push her.

"Me and Tori were wondering if you wanted to come-" He was immediately stopped mid-sentence as Frisk spoke over him. "Yes, I'll come!" She answered, a desperate smile popping on her face as she held the phone closer to her face. 

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