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As the minutes quickly passed, Papyrus could see Undyne running up like a crazy person with a picnic basket in both of her hands as they were lifted up in the air as if she was showing off a huge trophy to everyone she went by. Papyrus pointed towards her and yelled, "BRACE YOURSELVES!" He warned. 

Everyone looked to where he was pointing and quickly moved out of the way in case she was going to accidentally crash in to them. Luckily by the time she stopped, it was right in front of Frisk and Sans. 

Sans had his arms around Frisk to make sure that she wouldn't get hurt with his left eye glowing blue. "Watch where you're going, Undyne!" He scolded, letting go of Frisk and placing his hands back in his lap. "Crazy fish..." He mumbled under his breath so no one could hear him. Frisk however, had sharp ears and giggled at what he had called Undyne. 

"Oh, SORRY." She stretched the word 'sorry' out more longer. "I was just trying to get your meal for YOU!" She held the picnic basket by her hip as she went to take a seat on the ground next to papyrus. Placing the basket in the centre. Sans on the other hand just rolled his eyes as he rested his chin on his hand. 

Frisk turned her head to see Toriel walking towards them, sorting out everything that she had inside a bag she was carrying. 

Upon arriving, she placed some other stuff around the picnic basket out of the bag. Asgore helped her as well. 

"LET'S EAT!" Undyne said excitedly, rubbing her hands against each other as her mouth was drooling at the smell of the food. Toriel nodded as everyone grabbed a plate each and started digging in to the food that was both inside the picnic basket and outside. This was probably going to be a long time to finish up. 


After what felt like more than an hour, almost all the food was gone now. "I'm STUFFED!"  Undyne said with a huff, leaning her back against the tree as closed her eyes to rest. And although Papyrus didn't actually have a stomach, his food was digested in to magic, kind of like regenerating or something. Either way, he was full as well. 

Toriel giggled lightly at them as she placed her plate neatly on the ground with no crumbs on it. It looked completely brand new as well. 

Meanwhile, Frisk had barely eaten anything - she had been lost staring up at the sky. Sans nudged her shoulder a little, snapping her out of her day dreaming world. She looked towards him in surprise as she tilted her head a little. "You all right there, kid?" He asked, his grin slowly turning in to a frown. 

Frisk nodded at his question and smiled. "You've barely eaten anything. You sure you're alright?" He asked again, this time he had a very concerned look on his face. He wanted to make sure that Frisk was alright, since the whole suicide thing about her father happened only a few weeks ago now. 

"Yeah, just full from the pancakes over at Tori's." She answered, a genuine smile crawling its way on to her face at the thought of her delicious, mouth-watering pancakes.

Sans chuckled at her reply. "Welp, can't argue with that." He grinned.

Frisk left her empty plate in front of her on the ground as she lifted herself up, her eyes darting around the park. Since it was more emptier than usual, she knew that she had to take advantage of this.

Dashing off in to the far distance, Sans watched behind her as he lazily got off the ground as well. Papyrus on the other hand, was surprised that his brother didn't teleport to stand up.

"Where are you going, Sans?" Papyrus questioned curiously, pushing his body up from the tree to face him.

"Gonna go play with the kid for a bit." He answered, making eye contact with his brother before he glanced back to where Frisk was running. She looked to be heading towards a tall tree.

Papyrus stared at his brother with wide eyes, completely shocked by what he had said. "You're going to do something?!" He asked with a raised brow. Non existent again.

Undyne immediately woke up with a loud cackle coming from her, slapping her hand against her legs as she laughed even harder.

"That has got to be one of the BEST jokes I've ever heard before!!" She snickered, pounding her fist on the ground as she accidentally bumped her head in to the tree behind her.

Sans just rolled his eyes as his grin was replaced with a frown. "GOOD LUCK LAZY BONES!" Undyne cheered, watching as Sans walked in the direction where he saw Frisk heading in. He could still hear Undyne laughing behind him.

He could see Frisk gazing up at the tree in front of her, her left hand being held against the surface of it.

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