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As Frisk and Papyrus were talking on the phone together, Frisk didn't notice a certain flower that was waiting outside at the back. Papyrus was asking Frisk if she was taking the day off, in which she replied with automatic nod. He asked if she would want him to come over. 

"Of course, Papyrus. Could Sans come along to?" Frisk asked with a curious look spreading across her face. 

Papyrus had to break away from the phone for a second before calling out to his lazy brother, Sans. He had his gloved hand covering the place where he spoke through on the phone, but Frisk could still hear his booming voice even though it was a bit muffled. She felt herself giggle quietly to herself. He never changed, always the same jolly Papyrus. 

"Sans will be tagging along as well! We'll see you in a few minutes!" Papyrus hung the phone up without realising it. 

With a small sigh, Frisk placed the phone back on the counter, relaxing herself on the couch with a faint smile playing on her lips. Rather abruptly, she heard banging coming from the back. Turning her attention to the glass sliding door, she noticed that Flowey was banging his vine against it. 

"OPEN THE DOOR!!!" He shrieked, gritting his teeth together in frustration. 

Frisk fleetingly ran towards the door and slid it open, letting in the cold breeze that came from outside in to the house. "Finally!" He groaned loudly, hopping himself on to the carpet in his flower pot. 

"Sorry." Frisk giggled nervously as she watched him sit himself down on the couch. 

He shook his head. "No, it's fine. Sorry for being like that." He apologised with a look of guilt, hanging his head down a little. This was very different and strange for Frisk to witness him apologising like that. Maybe he's just trying to be a good guy now. That wouldn't be too bad. 

Frisk giggled to herself as she sat down next to him, expecting him to talk. "What's with the bandages?" He asked cautiously, gesturing towards her head. She looked taken a back from his question, but it was to be expected.

"Um... I fell down the stairs?" She said, her answer sounding more like a question. Nervously scratching her neck, she averted her eyes from looking at Flowey as she looked else where other than him. Meanwhile, Flowey narrowed his eyes at Frisk. 

Before Flowey was about to speak, Frisk interrupted him. "What about you? Where did you go when I was taken in to the hospital?" Now it was her time to question him, a small grin forming on her mouth. 

His eyes widened as he, to, looked in to the corner of the room, averting his eyes from Frisk. "I, uh..." He paused. "I kind of ran awa-" He was cut off when the sound of the doorbell ringing at the door sounded. The two of them guided their attention towards the door as Frisk sighed, Flowey sighing in relief rather than in frustration. 

Pulling herself off the couch, she headed towards the door and turned the handle, revealing the two skeletons that were standing behind it. 

"Greetings, human! I, The Great Papyrus-" Papyrus paused as he looked down at his brother, Sans. "And my brother... have come to visit you!" He announced, bending his back a little to come eye to eye with Frisk. 

His cheerful smile made her remember back in the last few timelines ago. During the genocide run, he would always believe in her, even if she had betrayed him. It... pained her. It made her feel guilty, like a grey cloud was hanging over her soul. 

Frisk looked up at him with a wide smile spreading across her face. She took a small step forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, confusion written all over his face as he bent down on one leg. "Human?" He turned his head slightly to look at her. All she could do was tighten her grip on him. 

Sans stared at Frisk with a puzzled look, his brother sending him a look

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Sans stared at Frisk with a puzzled look, his brother sending him a look. He nodded and patted his hand against Frisks back. "Where's my hug?" He chuckled as Frisk looked over his way. She switched from hugging on to Papyrus to Sans, leaving Papyrus feeling a bit left out and jealous. 

Getting some space between them, Frisk gazed in to Sans hallow eyes as his grin softened. She felt her knees shake slightly. It was as if just staring in to Sans eye sockets made her feel numb, like she was in safe hands. 

"You alright, kid?" Sans questioned, his expression growing worrisome as he reached his hand behind Frisk's back. 

Unexpectedly, he felt her weight lean against his arms as she fainted - causing him to shift in his position and hold her body up properly. "Woah there!" He exclaimed, his brother quickly helping him out by holding on to Frisk's back. "Hey, kid!" 

"What's wrong with Frisk?!" Papyrus asked with a stammer. Sans ignored his brothers question and lifted Frisk's body off the floor, holding her body bridal style. "She must've fainted." Sans replied, walking in to the living room with her body. 

When he noticed Flowey in his flower pot on the couch, he sent a glare his way. Coming to realise the skeletons entering the home, he jumped off the couch in surprise, hissing at them. "What are you guys doing here?!" He shrieked loudly, four of his vines growing out from the pot he was in. 

"Shut it, weed." Sans bellowed, his left eye emitting a bright glowing fire resonating within his eye socket. Flowey growled in response, but retreated his vines back in to his pot as he looked down at the floor. Being nice is too hard.

Now that Flowey was being quiet, Sans left eye went back to normal as he carefully laid Frisk's body on to the couch, quickly placing a cushion under her head so she would feel more comfortable when she woke up. "There..." He mumbled to himself, pulling her legs on to the couch as she was now in a laying position. 

"Will she be alright, brother?" Papyrus asked, fiddling with his gloves as he waited for an answer. Sans looked over his shoulder and grinned. "Yeah, just a little tired I guess." He looked back down at Frisk.

Oh... I don't know 

about that...

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