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After days of sorting out Frisk's fathers suicide act and Toriel offering to adopt Frisk, everything seemed to be looking up for her future. Now that she was living with Toriel as her new mother and Asgore as her new BRILLIANT father, she was more happy than ever. She even has her own large bedroom in the house. 

Although, sometimes she would have different kinds of nightmares at night, causing her to be afraid of falling asleep. These nightmares... consisted of her father, Sans, and everyone else in the underground. With all the genocide routes, it felt right that she would have so many nightmares based off of them. 

Her worst nightmare that kept coming back to her was with Sans. Standing in the hallway with a wide smile plastered on her face, glitching back to her own but then back to the manic smile again. She could remember clearly how Sans mercilessly killed her over and over again, with that same shit eating grin glued to his face. 

And then... that look of disbelief when his time comes to an end. And he perishes in to nothing but dust, leaving his blue jacket on the ground where he died. 

It's all your fault. 
You started this. 
And if you don't want to finish this,
then I'll do it for you!

That's what PARTNERS are for,

Frisk jolted up with a scream from her bed. Darting her eyes around the room, it was too dark to see, but she could see the faint outline of light shining from beneath the door. It slammed open as Toriel and Asgore came rushing in by her bedside. 

"Are you alright, my child?" Toriel asked in a worried tone, concern written all over her face. Frisk guided her eyes to where Toriel and Asgore were as she launched herself towards the two of them, bringing them in to a forced embrace as she cried. "I'm sorry..." She said quietly, tears rolling down her face from her eyes. 

They were both taken a back from her actions, but wrapped their arms around her as well to comfort her. "Was it another nightmare?" Asgore asked curiously, patting her back gently. They felt her nod in response and frowned. 

When their hug ended, Toriel placed her finger on top of Frisk's forehead. "Nightmare, nightmare, fly away!" She said with a faint smile, waving her finger around in the air as if she was throwing the nightmare away. But of course it wasn't possible, she was just trying to make Frisk feel a bit better. 

Frisk giggled as she wiped away the tears that were coming out from her eyes. "Would like us to stay in here with you until you go back to sleep?" Toriel asked, holding on to Frisk's hand. She shook her head in response. "I'll be fine! Since you got rid of the nightmare, I think I'll sleep like a Sans." She joked. 

Toriel and Asgore laughed at the mention of Sans, seeing as he was always known as a sleepy head. "Alright then." Asgore helped Toriel off the floor as they went past the doorway. "Goodnight." They said in unison. 

Frisk laid herself back down on the bed as the sound of the door clicking shut was heard. With a sigh, she tried to go back to sleep. And luckily, she didn't have any nightmares this time. 


When morning came, Toriel was in the kitchen cooking up some of her killer pancakes. She served a plate to Frisk as she made the rest for herself and Asgore. As Frisk was digging in to her delicious pancakes, Toriel decided to talk with her. 

"How would you like to go to the park with everyone?" She asked, adjusting the pink apron she was wearing. "Like a picnic!" She added. 

Frisk's eyes widened in surprise as she immediately nodded her head up and down. It's been quite a while since she's seen everyone together - even Sans. Apparently he's been busy doing something. She didn't mind not seeing him much though, because of the nightmares she's been having. 

"Wonderful! I'll give everyone a call when I finish making these pancakes." Toriel said, moving back towards the stove as she continued to flip her pancakes. Meanwhile, Asgore was reading the newspaper on the opposing side of Frisk. 

I wonder how the picnic will be? 


As a few hours passed by, Toriel, Asgore and Frisk arrived at the enormous park. Luckily for them though, for today the park was more quiet than usual, meaning that there would be less people here. Not that they were the problem, it was just better since there was more space and choices to pick where to sit. 

Everyone was already sitting down on the red and white fabric, Toriel and Undyne absent from the bunch as they were bringing the food down from inside the car. 

Sans was sitting down next to Papyrus against the tree while Asgore was on the left side, leaving Frisk on the opposite side of Sans and Papyrus. Toriel would be sitting on the opposing side of Asgore while Undyne would sit down next to Frisk. 

As they were waiting, Papyrus and Asgore were talking with each other. Meanwhile, Sans had his back leaned against the tree with closed eyes - Frisk watching him with curious and yet fearful eyes. She flinched when he opened his eyes and looked her way, sending her a cheeky wink towards her for fun. 

A pink blush made its way across her cheeks as she looked away with furrowed brows. He chuckled quietly and sat up, lifting himself off the ground and approaching Frisk. Sitting himself down with an 'oof', he placed the two of his hands behind himself on the grass, leaning a back a little to get comfortable. 

He glanced over at Frisk and waited for her to say something, but nothing came from her. "I don't even get a hello?" He asked with a grin, retracting his arms as he leaned closer towards her to try and see her face. She seemed to be scared. 

Papyrus looked over at his brother with a confused look, soon turning his gaze at Frisk whom was looking away from him. "Sans, what are you doing to the human?" He asked with a frown and furrowed brows. (Non existent of course) 

Sans looked at his brother. "Nothin." He replied, sitting himself up straight with a small sigh escaping his lips. 

What's wrong, kiddo?  

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