T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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Grillbys fire crackled loudly as he wiped a glass cup with the same white flannel in his hands. Some things never changed.

Sans was going through with his third ketchup bottle, his head basically smooching the counter as his breathing grew heavy. He was without a doubt drunk.

Most of the customers that were once there had left to go home, while the adults stayed to have a couple more drinks.

Frisk had finished her meal a long time ago and was now sleeping soundly on the counter. Grillbys fire gave her the warmth of a blanket, and the noise behind her didn't bother her one bit.

Just a few minutes earlier, she was speaking with Grillby - since she was the only person he actually communicated properly with.

She didn't want to bother Sans, so she fell asleep. Quite accidentally actually. Looks like resting my eyes didn't exactly work the way she wanted it to.

"Sans." Grillby whispered, gently tapping him on the shoulder of his jacket. There was an irritated groan that came from him, but that was it other than a couple twitches.

With a sigh, he shook his shoulder. "Sans! Wake up!"

"Whaaat?" Sans groaned, lifting his head up from the corner and groggily opening his eye sockets. His usual grin was curved upside down like a frown.

Grillby shook his head in disbelief, crossing his arms over his chest tightly. He nodded his head towards Frisk who had her head dug into her folded arms.

"Take her home." He said, indicating that it was a command rather than a request or favour. "Its getting late." He added.

Looking at Frisk's sleeping figure, Sans' pupils turned into nothing but mere dots. "Yeah, okie dokie..." He slurred with a slight smile before it drooped a little.

Hoping off the bar stool, he landed on the ground with a resounding thud; laughs being heard by the other customers around.

Grillby slammed a hand against his face, dragging it down with a loud sigh. The sudden thud that Sans had caused made Frisk jolt awake with sleepy eyes.

"Heh, same as ever. Huh, Grillbz?" One of the monsters asked with a cackle. "Take 'em home. I'll watch over yer' bar." He insisted.

Giving a nod towards the monster, he went into the backroom and grabbed his trench coat that was hanging on one of the hangers.

"Thank you." He said quietly, walking around the counter and shuffling it onto Frisk. "I'll take you home, dear."

Wrapping her arms around the firey man with a yawn, she slumped down onto his back. "Sorry." She mumbled softly into his ear.

As they headed out the door and into the cold windy night, he replied, "No worries." He smiled.


The next morning came and Frisk woke up in her bed, her memory of anything that happened the other day seeming to be a blur to her head.

Toriel came in, the door creaking quietly as she closed it behind her. She was surprised to find Frisk awake at her presence.

"Ah, I thought you were asleep." Toriel sighed. "Did you have a good rest?"

Nodding her head slightly, Frisk began to close her eyes shut. "Hmm, it sure looks like it. I'll let you take the day off because of your little incident with... Sans..." She sounded more angry this time, her eyes staring off into the distance of the window. Toriel was going to make sure to give that skeleton a good smack across the face the next time she sees him.

Rays of sun started shining through the cracks of the blind. "Oh well. Rest up, my child." Toriel smiled, brushing Frisk's bangs up a little to peck a kiss on her forehead before leaving for work.

With a small yawn, Frisk fell back into her slumber. The faint ringing noise echoing continuously in her ears as she drifted away into her dreams.


"You're a real persistent one. Aren't ya? Why don't you just give up. Right here, right now. I mean... What's the actual point to all this... This chaos... This mayhem. It's not necessary."

"What was it that made you want to reset? Were you curious? Or were you just bored. What could it have been that drove you to push that button, Frisk? Tell. Me."

"You've answered your own question, Sans. I'm not Frisk. And this... This happy ending of yours doesn't belong to you. It doesn't belong to any of you."

"Why is it that I have to watch you live your lives out? Why do you get to be happy? It isn't fair. It's NOT fair. That's OUR happy ending, and you didn't save neither of us!"

"So give us back our happy ending! Give it back, Frisk. Give it back!"

Chara, stop...







Frisk jolted from her bed, sweat devouring her body as if she had just gotten out from the shower. Her breathing was rapid and her lungs were screaming for air.

Her throat was dry and scratchy, like she hadn't had a drink of water for the past decades.

Placing her hands over her hair, she shook her head from side to side.

"Just a bad dream... That's all."

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