T W E N T Y - O N E

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As the time went on, Frisk slowly begun to wake up, a major headache trailing along as well. She tossed and turned with a groan escaping her mouth. When she started to open her eyes, she came face to face with Sans. He was rather too close for her own liking.

She could feel her cheeks heating up in surprise. "You alright, kid?" Sans asked curiously. Frisk nodded quickly, turning her head on her side to avoid making eye contact with him.

He chuckled lightly, gently stroking his hand through her hair. She flinched a little, but stayed laying in his lap. Wait... what?

Upon coming to realisation that she was indeed laying down in his lap, she jolted herself upwards to sit upright. Sans looked slightly startled at her sudden movement with a frown. "Kid?" He placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to tense up. "Hey, are you sure you're alright?" 

Sans furrowed his brows with worry, feeling Frisk's shivering body under his hand. She didn't reply, but instead, she started heading towards the stairs. Sans managed to grab her hand in time though. 

"Talk to me." His voice took a serious turn. There was a moment of silence before Frisk finally turned her head around. Tears were pricked at the edges of her eyes as they threatened to fall down. Sans sighed as he pulled Frisk in for a hug. 

She couldn't help but silently cry in to his jacket as she held on to his jacket tightly, not wanting to let go of him. He brought his hands around her, one resting on her waist while the other was gently holding on to her head as he pulled her in a little closer. 

They both sat on the couch, Frisk still holding on to Sans as she was leaning against his shoulder. "Let it all out." He rubbed his hand against the top of her head as he listened to her shaky sniffles and whimpering. 

Not soon after, Papyrus came down from upstairs. "Sans! Is Frisk awake yet? Toriel and Asgore will be returning soon!" Papyrus called for his brother as he came in to the living room. The second Papyrus mentioned the part about Toriel and Asgore returning soon made Sans shoot his eyes open. 

"Yeah, she's awake." Sans replied. Papyrus came rushing in by their side with a cheerful smile. 

"Are you feeling better human- I MEAN FRISK?" Papyrus quickly replaced the word 'human' with her real name. It was kind of a habit of his. 

Frisk pushed herself off of Sans shoulder as she looked up at Papyrus with a trail of tears that were lined up from her eyes to her chin. "Why are you crying? What happened?!" Papyrus placed his hands on both of her shoulders. He was so adorable. "Did Sans tell you one of his terrible puns?" He furrowed his 'brows' as he glanced over at Sans. 

She giggled at his assumption. Shaking her head, she wiped the trail of tears that were now dry off her face as a bright smile was plastered on her face. "I'm fine Papyrus! Thanks for worrying about me though." 


Papyrus gave his signature smile with a proud look. "SPLENDID!" Sans could only chuckle at his brothers enthusiasm. Frisk followed along with a laugh. 

Not too long after, there was a sound of keys rattling around behind the door. The door was slammed open as it revealed Toriel and Asgore with worried expressions covering their faces. When Toriel laid eyes on Sans, she couldn't see Frisk from her angle. 

"Is Frisk alright?!" She asked, her face was covered with sweat as Asgore followed behind her. She had her hands together, almost as if she was praying. Sans grinned at her question and gestured towards Frisk whom was leaning on him. 

Toriel gasped as she rushed over on to the other side of the couch and brought Frisk in to an embrace, Asgore seeming to join in with them. "Thank goodness you're alright..." Toriel whispered faintly. 

As they pulled back, Frisk and the skeletons looked to be confused. "Why are you guys so worried?" Sans questioned, leaning his back against the couch more. 

Toriel and Asgore looked at each other before nodding and looking back at them. "Flowey told us that Frisk had passed out, so we hurried on back as soon as we could." Asgore explained, his face showing a bit of anger. "But it looks like he was just lying..." He growled. 

Frisk cut herself in to the conversation, willing to defend Flowey. "No, no! He was telling the truth! I really did pass out." 

The two of them looked towards Frisk in surprise. "What happened?" Asgore asked, kneeling down towards Frisk. She only frowned and looked away with an embarrassed look. Sans grin faded in to a frown as he tried to come up with an excuse for her. 

"Uh, she was tired." He answered for her. They all looked at him with questionable expressions, not truly believing his story. "Y-Yeah!" Frisk nodded nervously, a sweat drop dripping down on the side of her forehead. 

Papyrus was stroking his chin, debating on whether of not that was true. He remembered Frisk passing out when she was hugging him and his brother, so she might've been tired? He wasn't too sure about it. 

"Well, if you say its true..." Toriel sighed, soon regaining her usual motherly smile. "Then I guess it's true." 

Frisk did a small fist pump in the air to herself as Toriel and Asgore headed in to the kitchen together. "Oh, and Sans." Toriel poked her head out from the counter. "Feel free to stay the night if you wish!" 

"Yeah, all good." He replied. 

"Oh! Let me help you cook, Queen- I mean, Toriel!" Papyrus called, rushing in to the kitchen to lend a helping hand.

When Sans looked back down at Frisk, she had her eyes wide open. He could've sworn that he just saw them sparkle even more than his brothers did. "Uh...?" Frisk jumped in to Sans arms as she gave him a hug. "oof!" 

He felt her place a soft peck at his cheek. When they pulled back from the hug, a huge mischief grin was covering her face. Pulling his hand up to his cheek, he received another one on his other cheek. "Frisk!" He groaned. 

Poking her tongue out, she smiled. "Blueberry." She teased. 

You're disgusting.

A/N :
Sorry, I got really bored lmao

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