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With the next day coming along smoothly, Frisk was sitting by herself on the couch near the food table. She only came to this birthday party for the food after all.

The other kids that were visiting were on another table where the birthday kid, known as Summer, was sitting. It was a circular table as their seats were all tucked in neatly as they all wore party hats.

The cake was in the middle, having a robotic kind of design to it. In all honesty, Frisk was quite jealous. But, she was happy that she was at least going to have a piece of it.

Toriel tried to persuade her to join in with the other kids, but she kindly declined. The kids that were here were her bullies. Some of them at least.

A while after, Summer finally blew the candle out as everyone was given a piece. Toriel handed Frisk a plate with two pieces and smiled as she went to look after the others.

As she was peacefully eating the cake with her legs crossed, she noticed someone familiar come through the door. It was Sans!

He was wearing a black beanie over his head along with a pair of black gloves that were cut where his fingers could push through.

When he looked around the room more, he seemed to be searching for something, or maybe someone.

And so, as his eyes laid on Frisk eating her cake on the couch by herself, he hastily rushed by her side with his hand up in a wave.

"Hey, kiddo. Why are ya sitting here all alone?" He asked, taking a seat next to her as he swung his arms over the top of the couch.

Frisk smiled weakly. "I... I um... I just feel like being alone." She answered, scratching the bottom of her chin softly. Truth is, she's been having trouble keeping herself sane.

Still lying? Hah!
You're pathetic!

She turned her head away as her smile curled upside down. "You sure kid? You look a bit pale there." Sans leaned in a little to have a look at her face. He thought that she might be sick, but that wasn't the case.

"I-I'm fine, Sans. Just a little dizzy is all..." Frisk replied, holding her free hand near her forehead. The voice she was hearing started to give her a major headache.

A concern look covered Sans face as he placed his hand on Frisk's shoulder. "Hey, I'll ask Papyrus if we can take you home." He gave her a reassuring smile.

Shifting her gaze to his eyes, she nodded - regretful that she'll have to leave the party early, but also pleased. She'd rather be somewhere else other than where her bullies were. She even saw them eyeing her up suspiciously.

Sans quickly headed towards Toriel's position and started a conversation with her. A real quick one though. He was more worried about Frisk.

Shakily placing the plate on to the couch, she held both of her hands on her forehead, rubbing her temples together - an attempt to try and ease the pain.

Yeah, no.
Don't even try.

She tried her best to ignore the voice, but it kept coming back to her. In that same distorted way it spoke in.

Soon enough, Sans came back with Papyrus following behind him as he placed both of his hands on her shoulders. "Can you stand?" He asked.

Nodding at his question, she slowly lifted herself off the couch as Sans supported her in case she fell or tripped.

Helping her in to Papyrus' car, he laid her in the back as they started driving over to Toriel's house.

Along the way, Papyrus tried to start up a nice conversation. "Shut up..." Frisk mumbled angrily, her hair hiding away her face as she held her hand against her forehead.

Sans glanced over his shoulder in shock, his left eye glowing brightly. "What did you just say?" His voice was deep and serious.

Frisk slowly turned her head to face him, her eyes closed as sweat devoured her face. "S-Sorry, just talking to myself..." She said, waving a hand in the air before retracting it back to her side.

He narrowed his eyes a little but frowned at her face. She looked completely out of it, worse than how she looked back at the party.

With a sigh, he went back to looking out his window as Papyrus felt uncomfortable. The rest of the ride was silent.


When they arrived, Sans and Papyrus were the first ones to get out while Frisk got out last. Swinging her legs out of the car, she carefully pushed herself up.

Wobbling her way in to the house, she pushed past Papyrus and Sans out of her way, shoving Sans against the wall while Papyrus fell with a yelp.

"Hey, kid!" Sans yelled with a hint of frustration in his voice. Frisk completely ignored him as she ran to the bathroom.

With a sigh, Sans helped Papyrus stand up. "Sorry, Paps. Dunno what's happened to the kid."

Papyrus shook his head. "No, it's alright brother. I think they just need some alone time, she's probably just grumpy for being sick."

Sans doubted that.

Before they were able to talk again, they heard a loud crashing sound coming from inside the bathroom. Both of their eyes shot open as they slowly turned their heads to the door of the bathroom.

What was that...?


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