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Although no one was expecting it, Asgore seemed go be overjoyed with the thought of Frisk being in a relationship with someone like Sans.

"That's wonderful!" He said with a loud voice, placing the plate he was holding on to the coffee table on the ground which was close to the couch. "I better tell Toriel the news!" At this point he was jumping up and down as he ran up the stairs to Toriel.

Sans and Frisk both looked at each other as sweat devoured their faces, their worried expressions appearing.

Hearing a yawn coming from the on the other side of the couch, they realised that Flowey was still asleep on the couch in his small pot.

"Where am I...?" He muttered in a tired voice, using his leaf like a hand to wipe his eyes.

A lazy grin popped on to Sans face as he stared at the Flower. "Mornin' sleeping beauty. You sure sleep for a long time." He teased, helping Frisk up as they both sat down on the couch.

Flowey's eyes shot open at the annoying sound of his voice. "Ugh, what do you want?" He rolled his eyes, turning his head around as he closed his eyes with a frown.

"Just saying good morning to ya. Somethin' wrong with that?" Sans narrowed his eyes down at the Flower, causing Flowey to flinch a little at his tone.

Flowey nodded his head shakily. "Yeah. Everything." He admitted.

Frisk noticed the blue flame growing in Sans eye socket as she pulled down on his sleeve. Shaking her head at him as if she was trying to tell him not to fight.

Glancing down at her worried look, he sighed as the fire died down - returning to normal.

"Too bad." He said, gritting his teeth together and he crossed his arms across his chest. As much as he wanted to cuss at the plant, he couldn't bring himself to do it when Frisk asked him not to.

A smile danced on Frisk's lips as she kicked her legs back and forth on the couch.

Soon enough, they heard two pairs of footsteps walking down the staircase as of they were in a rush. Coming down them, Toriel and Asgore appeared in their view.

"Hoo, boy..." Sans mumbled, taking a deep breath.

Sans is regretting his
life decisions.


After having the talk with both Toriel and Asgore, Frisk had decided to stay over at Sans and Papyrus' house for the night. It's been quite a while after all.

In fact, Papyrus was already making his spaghetti in the kitchen while Frisk was laying down on the couch. Her head rested under a soft cushion as she shifted herself in to a more comfortable position.

Sans was supposedly at Grillby's, enjoying the night hour while he could.

As Frisk was stuck staring at the ceiling, the sound of Papyrus' booming voice entered her ears, snapping her back to reality almost instantly.

"The Great Papyrus has finished your meal for you, Human!" Holding the plate in his hand, he swung his hand ever so slightly as the plate came skidding down against the table.

Thankfully, it didn't fall off the end. "I hope you enjoy it! Now, I shall go and search..." He paused before slumping his arms down. "my brother..." He added with a sigh.

Frisk waved goodbye as he left out the door.

Gazing down at the meal before her, the smell of it made her mouth drool, but what she was really worried about was how it was going to taste like.

Picking up the fork that was kind of neatly placed on the plate, she twirled it around in the spaghetti, picking it back up and putting it in her mouth.

Surprisingly, Papyrus' cooking has gotten much more better during the past few weeks. Maybe those cooking tutorials online paid off on him.

After she finished eating the delicious meal, she washed her plate in the kitchen before retreating back on to the couch. She was debating on whether or not she should turn the TV on, but decided not to.

Instead, she layed herself back down, resting her head against the cushion and trying to fall asleep. Her eyes felt heavy and she couldn't help but feel tired. Maybe it's what happens when she's around Sans a lot.


As the hours went by, Sans and Papyrus returned home as Papyrus was lecturing his brother about staying out so late at Grillby's.

Sans on the other hand was already sleeping like a child that had run out of batteries for the day. With a loud sigh, Papyrus walked in to the living room to find that Frisk was shivering on top of the couch.

"Oh. It looks like Frisk was tired. Oh well." Papyrus said to himself, shifting his brother hanging from his shoulder as he made his way up the stairs.

Sans woke up a little and lifted hid head a little to find Frisk shaking on the couch. Lifting his finger up, the tip of it was devoured in blue flame as a blanket covered Frisk's body. "Heh."

Papyrus placed him in his bed and tucked a blanket over his body. "Goodnight, brother." Papyrus said quietly, closing the door as it clicked.

Walking down stairs with a blanket in his hand, he looked over at Frisk to find that she already had a blanket over herself. He scratched the top of his skull with a puzzled look, but shrugged as he only placed another layer over her.

"Goodnight human." He whispered, switching the lights off before heading in to his bedroom.

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