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Frisk was sitting in the middle of Papyrus and Undyne with both of her legs crossed on the couch as they watched a family movie together.

Undyne and Papyrus decided to sit down on the carpet together so that they could get the best view possible of the TV.

As the movie played, Toriel shuffled next to Frisk and wrapped her arm around her. "Are you enjoying the movie?" She asks with a smile on her lips.

Frisk nods in response, feeling herself beginning to drift off in to sleep. Before she was able to though, she grimaces and flinched away from Toriel as she feels the stinging coming from her wrists and arms.

She rubs her left wrist softly gritting her teeth together. "Are you alright?" Toriel asks with concern lingering in her voice once again.

Forcing a smile on her face, Frisk nods and places her left arm on her other side which was next to Sans.

Not knowing that her sleeve was slightly pulled up, Sans took notice of the blood oozing out from underneath her sleeves. He spotted a few cuts here and there as well.

He narrowed his eyes sockets as he his frown grew, painfully watching as the blood leaked on to the couch. Staining Frisk's sleeve and the couch.

Closing his eyes tightly, he looks away as his breathing gets a little faster.

"Okay... Let me try to heal your scar again." Toriel offers, lifting her hand up to where Frisk's scar is. A light green aura emitting from her hands as she focused her healing magic on the scar.

Regrettably, the magic doesn't work and she gives up with a huff of breath. "I apologize... I can't heal something like this." She looks down, disappointed in herself.

In all honesty, Frisk was astonished as well. Toriel was known to be the most powerful healing monster in the underground. Maybe it was just her luck that she wasn't able to heal it. Typical.

Frisk brought her arms in front of her and pulled down on her sleeves, sparing a glance at Sans whom was looking away from her. Not even bothering to watch the movie on the TV.

She tilted her head a little at him. His hands were curled up in to tight fists as they shook.

As she kept staring at him, she started to remember the scenes that occured back at the judgement hall.

The amount of times she had to die. The amount of pain she felt through those moments.

The amount of times Sans
tricked her when she
offered him Mercy.

And let's not forgot how brutal he was when he killed her. Laughing as her soul broke over and over again. Only for her to respawn against her will.

Making Chara more and more bloodthirsty for his death.

When she noticed that she had been staring for too long, he snapped his head towards her with an eyebrow raised. "What?" He questioned.

She felt a struck of fear enter her body as she quickly looked away. "Nothing." She mumbled quietly.

Sans rolled his eyes and rested his head against the couch as he closed his eyes. Probably already asleep the second he closed his eyes.

Glancing back at him, she sighed as her eyes returned to the TV screen.

When the movie finally finished, Frisk looked up at Toriel. "Will it be okay if I stay here for the night?" She asks, desperately hoping that Toriel will be alright with it.

"Why of course!" She replied, clapping her hands together making Sans wake up from his sleep. "But... I'm afraid that we only have two bedrooms. Maybe-" She stopped talking when Undyne spoke over her.

"Hey Tori! The little squirt can take my bed instead, I don't mind sleeping on the couch." Undyne offered with a thumbs up as she sat up from the ground.

Toriel smiled at Undyne's offer gratefully. Since Toriel and Asgore were together again, Papyrus and Undyne were sleeping over here in the spare bedroom upstairs. So all that was left was the couch.

And although Frisk appreciated Undyne's offer, she shook her head indicated that she didn't need the bed. "It's okay! I'll just sleep on the couch."

Toriel's smile faded as she furrowed her brows a little. "Are you sure? Sans will be sleeping on the couch as well." Toriel asked with a concerned look.

She nodded. "Yep, it's fine!" She sent a reassuring smile. The couch felt comfortable to sleep on anyways, but then there was Sans. Whenever she's near him, her blood runs cold and she can't help but fear him for everything he's done to her. But then at the same time, she sort of deserved everything that he did to her. 

"Well, all right." Toriel glanced towards Asgore whom was sleeping like a child on the couch. She giggled a little. "Me and Asgore will be going to bed then." She tapped Asgore on the shoulder as he immediately woke up with bags under his eyes. 

As they headed up the stairs, Undyne and Papyrus both got up from the floor and stretched from staying on the ground for too long. 

"I guess we should start going to bed as well. Would you like to have my bed, Frisk?" Papyrus asked, stroking his chin. Once again, she shook her head. "No thank you, goodnight!" She replied, waving towards them as they went upstairs. She saw Undyne whisper something to Papyrus though.

"I feel bad for the little squirt, having to sleep next to that good for nothing brother of yours." Undyne whispered to Papyrus quietly as they were finally out of sight. Their footsteps being heard as they walked upstairs to the spare bedroom. 

With the TV now playing a random movie automatically, the room only consisted of Frisk and Sans by themselves. Alone together. 

Frisk thought that Sans had already gone to sleep since he still had his head facing away from her, so she relaxed a little. With a huff of breath, she plopped herself against the couch and slouched a little. 

In all honesty, it was hard to keep a fake smile on her face whenever she spoke to Toriel and the others. Though she enjoyed the movie a lot, it still bothered her that Sans hadn't moved at all. It was unusual because he always tossed and turned whenever he was sleeping. 

With another sigh, she spread her arms across the couch and hissed in pain as they stung more. When she looked down at her left arm, she noticed that the blood had begun to ooze out from her sleeves, staining the couch and her sleeve. 

She quickly pulled herself off the couch with wide eyes. The blood got on to the couch! How was she supposed to cover that up? Maybe she could just use her scar as an excuse since they already know about it now. Yeah, that should work. It isn't the best, but it's something at least. 

Bringing her right hand to her forehead, she clicked her tongue in frustration. Couldn't this world be a little bit more kinder to her? 

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