T W E N T Y - N I N E

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"So that's how you got them, huh? I hadn't though about the consequences of going through so many resets would do to you. Physically."

Frisk gave a brief nod. Her legs were crossed over each other on the edge of the couch, hands crossed her chest. The question that Sans had asked her had caught her off guard and by surprise. It was unexpected.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask. Why'd you take so long?" She inquired.

"I... uh, I had some stuff to think about. A lot actually. This and everything that's happened. That Chara person. Don't you think something's going to happen?" If it were possible, his brows would've been furrowed.

Frisk frowned. "How do you know about Chara? Who told you?" She asked.

"The flower." He answered. She took in a deep breath, allowing the air to pass through her mouth. "Right..."

"Anyways, first things first; what kind of abilities do you have exactly? Are they similar to mine on some level, or are they completely different? Describe them."

"I'm not too sure myself. But, I do know that I have some sort of levitation ability. I'm too hesitant to try anything else..." She trailed off. "...I'm too scared."

A huff of laughter escapes as she shakes her head slightly, mouth quavering slightly. Sans placed a hand on her shoulder gently.

"It's because of me, isn't it?" Frisk nodded, his expression growing soft at the response. "Should've known." He clicked.

A small moment of silence grew between them, the feeling being rather pleasant. Sans was gathering up his thoughts, thinking of anything else to say.

"So... You're okay, right? Like uh..." Sans looked down at her wrists before looking back up at her eyes. Getting the message, she immediately started nodding her head.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes. I-I'm fine, Sans." She forced a smile, shaking her hands in front of herself. She was telling the truth, it was just such an uncomfortable question to answer. Nevertheless, it made her happy that someone cared about her.

"What are you home anyway? Ya get the day off?" He asked with a grin.

"Uh, I think so. The last thing I remember hearing from Toriel was to stay home or something. The rest was..." She paused. "Nevermind."

Sans narrowed his eye sockets slightly. "The rest was... What? What was it?" He pushed.

"Nothing. J-Just leave it at that, okay?" He kept his eye sockets squinted, but shrugged it off. It didn't mean that his curiousity was going to just disappear like that though.

"Fine. Come on, I bet Paps would wanna check on ya." He lifted himself up from the couch, heading towards the door as he held it open.

Frisk went on ahead of him, averting her attention from the glare he was giving. Sometimes it was best to keep things a secret.


Their walk was silent, only the sound of the wind howling around them and distinct chattering coming from the other people around them.

Frisk couldn't help but scratch at her wrists, wincing slightly at the stinging sensation. She would squint her eyes down narrowly and avoid making eye contact with Sans.

The scratching was growing to be a bad habit. The fact that her wounds had a tempting itch to it was a sign that they were healing - or at least that was what Toriel had informed her about.

It didn't stop them from opening up and bleeding though. Sans whipped a glance down at her every now and then, a look of concern plastered on the entirety of his face.

"Uh, you okay there kiddo?" He asked, one eye socket halfway closed. When he noticed that small amount of blood that had begun leaking out, his sockets widened and the lights that circled inside them grew dim.

He quickly grabbed hold of the both of her hands, immediately stopping her from doing anything else. It caught her by surprise.

"Stop scratching yourself. Look," He gestured down at her wrists. "you're reopening your wounds. Just rub 'em if it gets too hard to resist."

Frisk gave a brief nod, hiding her hands in her pockets after he released them. The way he held them back reminded her of something.

Before she was able to figure out what, she was knocked off her feet and met with the surface of the concrete. Grimacing from the impact, she managed to lift her upper body up.

Monster Kid?

   "Sorry! I didn't know where I was going." The child apologized, panic lingering in his tone. He was struggling to pick himself up, so Sans helped him a little.

The familiar blue aura shrouded his form, levitating him on his feet and off of Frisk. "It's okay, just be careful next time." She replied with a gentle smile.

Sans helped her up, supporting her staggering position. "Thanks." She patted him on the shoulder.

   "Sorry again, Frisk. I'll be more careful next time. Bye!" And with that said, the armless monster went bolting off around the corner and out of their sight.

Frisk huffed a chuckle, shaking her head. "I need to ask Alphys to fix him a pair of robotic arms." She told herself. "You sure that's all she could do?" Sans inquired.

She shrugged. "Never know. She is the royal scientist after all." , "Valid point." He laughed.

As the two continued their walk to Sans' house, Frisk couldn't help but think back on Monster Kid. The thought of resetting everything that she had achieved in this point of time wasn't an option to her.

If she did reset, she'd lose everything she ever worked for. A working relationship with Sans, two parents that she's wanted for her entire life, and peace between humans and monsters. Everything was so perfect.

But that disordered voice in the back of her head told her otherwise. It tried to persuade her that nothing was perfect, that they all knew what she did to them in the previous timelines.

That everything is an endless loop of torture.

And the scary thing was; that it wasn't entirely wrong.

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