T W E N T Y - F O U R

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"So... They've been contacting you, huh." Said Flowey, leaning himself against the back of the couch a little. "Should've known she would've come back for some fun."

"You're not helping." Frisk narrowed her eyes down at the flower.

"I'm not trying to help, brat." He hissed.

Frisk rolled her eyes before rubbing the towel against her head, ruffling her hair around as it started to look more and more frizzy.

"Why the hell were you in the rain anyways?" He asked, pointing a leaf at Frisk to gesture what he was getting at. She shrugged.

"It's peaceful." She replied bluntly, pulling off the towel and drying her arms off next. "Plus it feels nice."

"You're weird, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know. But look at yourself."

For a second, he looked to be offended before giving in since the fact was obviously too true to be argued against. He knew it far too well.



As the hours ticked by, the two of them had decided to have a few games on the TV together. It was the same as before, meaning that Flowey was as fired up as he'd ever be.

It was only when the doorbell rang that they had to pause the game. And of course, as expected, Flowey growled at Frisk for doing so.

"Oh come on! I was just about to beat you!" He hissed furiously, pointing at the screen to prove his point.

Frisk simply ignored the annoyed demon and opened the door to see who it was that rang the bell. She was expecting Toriel or Asgore to be behind the door, but to her surprise, it was Sans.

When she first laid eyes on him, her eyes shot open automatically -- a painful screeching noise ringing in her ears.

kIlL hIm FrIsK! i CaNt StAnD tHaT sTuPiD gRiN oF hIs!

She held a hand to her forehead, muttering the words; "Shut up, Chara!" Sans looked at her with an eyebrow arched. (Non-existent of course)

"You alright there kid?" He asked, reaching a hand out towards her as it landed on her shoulder.

She nodded with a toothy smile forced on to her lips. "Y-y-ye-p." She stuttered, the sound of her teeth chattering together being loud and clear.


Although it was faint, the word was crystal clear.

"C-c-c-come i-in!" Said Frisk, moving out of the doorway to stand on the side to let Sans in. He gave her a questioning look before coming in.

As he closed the door behind him, she rushed in to the kitchen and pulled out a fork from one of the draws; stabbing the end against her hand three times while silencing her wails.

The stabbing was to give Chara a message to stop, and obviously it worked.

hOw DaRe YoU!

Then shut up and stop trying
to take over my body!

Frisk quickly placed the fork where she got it from and closed the drawer, just in time as Sans had walked around the corner.

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