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As Frisk and the receptionist arrived in the waiting room, Toriel was holding on to Asgore's hand with a worried expression held on her face while Sans was sitting in the corner next to Papyrus with black eye sockets as he gazed down at the ground. He seemed to be completely out of it, in his own world. 

Meanwhile, Papyrus and Undyne were playing a hand game with each other - like scissors paper rock. 

When they heard the door opening, all of their attention were laid on Frisk and the bunny lady next to her. "Here you are!" The lady said excitedly, pushing Frisk in to the waiting room as she closed the door behind her with a click. Leaving Frisk awkwardly standing there, not knowing what to say yet again. 

"Uhm... Hello-" Before she was able to finish her sentence or even lift a hand, she was spoken over as Toriel and Asgore dashed towards her, bringing her in to a tight embrace. "My child!" She exclaimed, tears rolling out of her eyes and down her cheeks. "We were so worried about you!" 

Toriel pulled back a little as Asgore did the same to give Frisk some space since they could see that she was hurt. When they took a proper good look at her appearance now, they could see that both of her arms were wrapped up in bandages with a few blood stains here and there. Her legs were the same as her arms with bits of bloods spilling out a little. 

Frisk smiled and took a deep breath in when she was finally released from their tight hug. "T-Thank you, Toriel, Asgore." She said with a shaky voice. Both of her arms were shaking as she was trying to hold herself back from making a pained face. She knew that she had to deal with the pain for now. She didn't want them to see her like that, or like this. 

Before she knew it, she had collapsed in to Toriel's arms. "Child! Are you alright?" Toriel asked worriedly as she brushed a bit of Frisk's hair out of her face. Frisk nodded quickly. "Y-Yes, just a b-bit tired..." She mumbled, a smile appearing on her face. 

When she looked around a bit more, she couldn't see Sans anywhere from her angle. "W-Where's Sans?" She stuttered, trying to look around the room a bit more from Toriel's arms. It was difficult, but in the corner, she could see Sans looking straight her with his empty eye sockets. He seemed to be upset. 

Frisk pulled herself out of Toriel's arms and landed on the ground with a small thud. Toriel was about to come to her aid before Asgore placed his hand on her shoulder, making her stop and watch as Frisk stood on her feet by herself. 

Slowly making her way towards Sans, she winced a little as her leg twisted a bit. Luckily, Papyrus was able to catch her in time and help her stand up properly. She thanked him and went to sit down next to Sans while Toriel and Asgore returned to their seats. 

"Hi, bonehead." She said playfully, nudging his shoulder a little, making him softly chuckle. "Nice to see that you're alive, kiddo." He replied, his white pupils returning as his grin popped on to his face. 

Frisk genuinely smiled at him as she lifted herself off the chair and stood in front of Sans. He had his hands out resting in his lap as his head was craned up a bit to face her. He raised an eyebrow at her as he cheekily grinned. 

Bending herself down a little with her hands in front of her, Sans backed his head away as a tint of blue spread across his cheeks. "Uh... kid?" He mumbled, his head soon making contact with the wall. When he could no longer move his head, Frisk took the opportunity to quickly lean in and give him a quick kiss on the forehead, backing away with her hands behind her back with a cheeky toothy smile on her face. 

Sans was dazed and utterly confused of why Frisk had done that to him. But it was only until she spoke that he finally understood. 

I promise that I'll take care of 

myself from now on!

He couldn't help but blush even harder when that special smile of hers came in to view. 

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