T W E N T Y - T W O

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Sans and Papyrus took their leave, leaving Frisk with Flowey. At first, Sans was a bit reluctant at leaving her with Flowey, but his brother dragged him home in the car with him in the end. Flowey on the other hand was grateful for Papyrus dragging his brother away. They weren't exactly on good terms yet.

"Are you and Sans in a relationship or something?" Flowey asked, lifting his eyes from the ground towards Frisk. She snapped her head his way with a slight blush covering her cheeks. Flowey raised an eyebrow at her reaction, giving him the impression that he was correct.

Frisk shook her head quickly with her hands waving in front of herself, her eyes wide at his surprising question. "N-No, we aren't..." She replied. I think...

Flowey slapped his hand (leaf) against his face upon seeing her face. It wouldn't be the truth to say that he didn't expect her to fall for him, but at the same time, he couldn't believe it. In his own opinion, Sans was a big no no.

"Seriously? Out of everyone, you like Sans?" He frowned, his leaf dangling by his side. Frisk sighed as she wiped the sweat rolling down her face, trying to calm herself down. She already knew that he could see straight through her.

"You like the skeleton that literally sleeps all day on the couch, never cleans, tells crappy puns. Meanwhile, he has a brother that's probably much better than him!" Flowey was frustrated, trying to hint at Papyrus.

He kind of had some sort of liking towards Papyrus, even though he was the younger brother of Sans.

"Hey, that's not nice." Frisk narrowed her eyes down at him before adding on. "Plus, Papyrus isn't really... uh..." She trailed off, thinking back on when she had her date with him back in the underground. He wasn't exactly what she would call... 'boyfriend material'?

Flowey stood there impatiently, waiting for an answer. "He's not exactly my type. And besides-" Before she was able to finish, she was cut off as Flowey interrupted her. "Never mind..."

"What happened to you anyways?" He asked, trying to change the subject as he pointed towards the bandages wrapped around her head. In all honesty, he was very concerned with Frisk's well being.

"Oh, this?" She grazed her hand over the bandages softly, quickly retracting it when she felt it reopen itself. "Ah, it's nothing. I just... fell in the bathroom." She explained, putting on her best fake smile for him.

Flowey's expression dropped, obviously not believing in the pathetic lie that she gave him. "Don't lie to me." He growled. "Just tell me what happened." He said, making it sound more like a command rather than a request.


Frisk fleetingly dashed in to the bathroom and slammed the door behind herself, sliding against the door and on to the ground with her breathing becoming uneven and desperate. It felt as if she couldn't breath, like something was blocking her throat. What was this?

She curled herself in to a ball by bringing her knees up to her chest and pulling her hands over her head with a groan. Her throat was burning like it was on fire, not letting her get enough oxygen in to her lungs. She was beginning to lose feeling in her body, the numbness causing her fear to grow bigger and bigger.

Slowly and deliberately, she tried to stand herself up, using her hands to support when ascending in to the air. She struggled to maintain her balance, causing her to stagger from side to side, grabbing hold of the edge of the sink next to her.

Waddling her way in front of the mirror, she turned around and stared in to her reflection. She could see the image of herself flicker in to someone else that seemed to be familiar to her. Her vision was off, the reflection becoming clear then going back to being blurry over and over again.

However, the harder she tried to focus her eyes on the reflection in front of her, she could just make the picture out.

The person in the mirror that was replacing her own reflection looked exactly like her, but with a few key differences. Her hair was tawny and short, matching Frisk's style from the top and all the way to the end. She was also wearing a necklace that had a golden heart with the words; 'Best Friends Forever' being engraved in to it.

She wore a lime and bumblebee stripped sweater that was accompanied by a pair of brown shaded shorts. Her face was delicate and fresh, her eyes shining a colour of scarlet as her cheeks were covered with pinkness.

"You look a little... tired." She spoke, Frisk flinching back a little as she felt sweat dribbling down her face. "I wonder why." She chuckled.

With the numbness spreading throughout Frisk's body, she did her best to concentrate on the figure in the mirror. "What do you want, Chara?" She asked, gritting her teeth together as her legs shook below her view.

"Hahahaha! It's amazing how stupid you can be." She giggled to herself before shaking her head. "You know exactly what I want, Frisk." She replied, a smile edging across her mouth.

Frisk swallowed a lump of saliva that was building up in her throat as her vision wavered a bit before coming back. "And what if I decline?" Chara's smile was wiped off her face in only a second as she heard Frisk's response.

"Do you really think you have a choice?" She snickered, folding her arms across her chest. Frisk felt her heart drop while her blood ran cold. "Why all the questions? You already know the answers to them all." She added.

"Anyways... I'm going to give you a week and that's all. Be grateful that I'm even letting you enjoy yourself. Oh, and tell Flowey I said hello."


Frisk was brought out of her thoughts when Flowey called out her name with an annoyed look covering his face. "Frisk, hey! Wake up already!" He yelled, catching Frisk off guard as her attention was guided towards him.

"Huh? Oh, sorry..." She smiled nervously, rubbing the back of her head and instantly regretting it when she remembered about her injuries. He sighed and shook his head in disbelief. "Never mind... Just tell me what happened." He gestured towards the bandages around her head once more.

"Ah, that's right. I... I just slipped really." She lied, twiddling with her sweater in her hands. Flowey narrowed his eyes at her, scanning her up and down before looking away and shaking his head again.

"Yeah, sure. Fine, don't tell me."

Frisk felt guilty for lying to him, but she had a bad feeling of what would've happened if she told him the truth.

A/N (Author's Note)

- fOr ThE lOvE oF gOd WhY aM i StIlL wRiTtInG tHiS

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