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Frisk found her hand hovering over the FIGHT button as she flinched away from it in shock. Looking up from the two options floating in front of her on each side, she could see Sans wearing his brothers red scarf around his neck as his eye flashed blue.

"S-Sans...?" She managed to say, her throat feeling sore with her voice sounding hoarse.

No reply came out from him. She slowly fluttered her eyes open, revealing the golden colours that his beneath those eye lids of hers.

She smiled weakly as she carefully approached him. However, looking at his expression, he seemed to be tense. Guiding her eyes to follow his, she just noticed she was holding a knife.

With wide eyes, she stopped in her tracks as her eyes were glued to the knife she was holding in her hands. She couldn't even feel it.

Kill him.
Kill him.
Kill him.
Kill... Him...

Over and over, the voice inside her head repeated those two words as they grew louder and louder. Her smile was wiped off her face as she held her hands over her head.

The memories of the past genocide timelines begun to flood their way back in to her mind.

A mother.
A friend.
A hero.


A skeleton.

With the pain soon passing, Frisk darted her eyes around the area and glanced back at Sans. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as if the dam that had been holding them had finally broke.

Hurrying her pace towards him, she dropped the knife as she threw herself on to him, causing him to accidentally lose his balance as Frisk shoved her face in to his chest.

Hearing the sound of something summoning from Sans magic, she panicked. "Wait!" She shouted, gripping her hands tightly on to his jacket.

The bone that was about to strike her in the heart stopped as it hovered above her back. "Just... Just give me thirty seconds, okay?" She pleaded, lifting her head a little to reveal her crying face.

"Just a little longer..." She mumbled quietly, closing her eyes as she continued to son in to Sans jacket.

Pulling himself up a little, Frisk stayed put as she felt a boney hand being placed on top of her head. She flinched at the sudden touch, but stayed still as her sobs were quickly silenced.

"Why...?" Sans muttered, his frown growing wider as tears ran down his face from his hollow eye sockets. "Why do you have to make this so hard...?"

Frisk looked up at him. "B-Because..." She paused for a second before finishing up. "I'm the legendary fart master!" She giggled a little as her tears kept running down her face.

Sans looked at her with a stunned expression, his white pupils soon returning back to his eyes. A small laugh escaped from his mouth.

And soon enough, they both ended up laughing at what Frisk had said.

"Ah, kid... I really don't understand you." Sans chuckled as he rubbed his hand against her hair, making all of the strands to go out of place.

Frisk nodded her head. "Me neither." She admitted, a grin crawling its way on to her lips.

Their laughter echoes through the long bright hallway as everything faded to white. However, the whiteness soon gets devoured by the darkness.

A small red smile was the only thing that was in sight. A large, blood red, smile. Staring right back at Frisk.

You're so pathetic.
He should've killed you
while he had the chance.


Frisk jolted awake as she felt tears running down her face. "A d-dream...?" She mumbled, bringing her hands up in front of her as they shook violently. "A dream..." She sighed in relief, holding her hand against her heart.

Wiping the tears that had run down her face, she looked through a window that was nearby to notice that it was probably around midnight. Taking a breath in, she exhaled with her head hitting back down on to the cushion beneath her. 

After tossing and turning for what seemed for ages, she sat up again and swung her legs off the edge of the couch and brought her blanket with her as she climbed up the staircase. She walked towards Sans door and knocked her hand gently against it. 

Knocking a few more times, Sans finally opened his door with his eyes still closed as his mouth was formed in to a frown. "What...?" He asked groggily, still half asleep. 

When he opened his eyes up, he realised that it was Frisk whom was standing in front of him. "Oh, Frisk. Sorry 'bout that. What didja want?" He asked with a more friendly tone. "Do you mind if I sleep with you?" Frisk asked with a shy smile, embarrassed that she would actually ask a question like that. 

Sans widened his eyes in surprise as he scratched the top of his skull nervously. "Oh uh, y-yeah sure." He moved out of the way to allow Frisk access to his room. Upon walking in, she immediately flopped herself on his mattress. She already knew what his room looked like so there was no need to ponder about it. 

Frisk could hear Sans chuckling at her as she only ignored him, grabbing a pillow and hugging on to it as she slept on her side. Sans hopped in next to her as he faced her. 

Now that Frisk was out, he took the chance to wrap his arms around her body. A small smile dancing on his mouth. She was warm, and not cold. Just... right.  

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