T W E N T Y - S I X

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Wednesday swung on over and Frisk was in good condition. It's been two weeks since the accident between her and Sans.

She had her music class to attend, ending up with her sitting right at the back. Not having any friends at school made her the ghost student.

Teachers had tried to encourage her to be involved more in the class activities, but they'd all fail like the rest of them.

Although they had given up on encouraging her to involve herself in the class, they allowed her to do whatever she wished.

Say it as sleeping in class, drawing in her notebook, or simply, daydreaming. There were few whispers about her, but that was it.

Her usual bullies started to leave her alone once they realised who her friend and new mother was. And that was Sans and Toriel.

Sans was known to be a lazy sack of bones, but others knew not to get on his bad side. As for Toriel... Well, it was pretty self-explanatory.

Today's lesson for music was for the students to learn a new music sheet that they had been practicing on for the last couple of weeks.

Of course, Frisk had missed out on it all.

Everyone was sitting down at a desk with a piano keyboard in front of them. They each had a sheet of music paper standing on the holder.

Meanwhile, Frisk had her head dug in to her arms that were crossed around each other as it rested on the edge of the table.

Mr Turner - her music teacher - was especially generous and kind-hearted to Frisk. He was an odd fellow though. Just not in a bad way.

While the others students were at their own desks that were aligned against the walls, Mr Turner shuffled through the stack of papers he was holding on to.

When he glanced up from his papers, he looked in Frisk's direction. Her head was still hiding away under her arms. She seemed to be tired.

Standing from his desk amongst the chatter of the other students, he walked up behind her before landing a hand on her shoulder gently.

She shuttered from the touch, keeping the same position. The only difference was her slouching more.

"Frisk, are you alright?" Asked Mr Turner, pulling out a chair next to her and sitting down with a leg crossed over the other.

Frisk shifted away, turning her head to the side. Getting the message that she wanted to be left alone, he sighed and grabbed something from his pocket.

A lollipop. He rested it against her desk and traveled back to his own, going back in to his wave of papers.

Lifting her head ever so slightly, Frisk looked down at the lollipop next to her. A small smile climbed it's way onto her face as she took it with pleasure.

Unwrapping it, she placed it in her mouth as she bit on the white straw piece of it. It had a milky strawberry flavour to it, her personal favourite.

Guiding her attention to the keyboard in front of her, she slowly reached a hand over to it. But she soon retracted it with a shake of her head.

No, not now.


Once the school bell rang, everyone started dashing out the door in a hurry to get back to their homes. Frisk on the other hand, was still packing her stuff up after everyone had left.

Finally ready, she journeyed her way down the long corridors until she arrived in front of Toriel's class. She was teaching some of the bigger kids.

Seeing as the dooe was already open, Frisk took a step inside to see that there were still a few students left around. It made her feel like a child compared to them. Especially the taller ones.

"Ah, Frisk!" Toriel gasped, waving a hand down at her. Frisk hurriedly went up to her desk with a nervous look. "How was school?"

"It was fine. I guess." Replied Frisk, rubbing the back of her neck. "What time are we going home?"

"Oh dear... I'm afraid I'm going to have to stay here a little longer because of these papers. Give Sans a call, he could come pick you up." Toriel suggested eagerly.

With a nod, Frisk went through her pockets and pulled out her phone.

"Wait, aren't phones banned from school?" One of the students asked suspiciously, cocking an eyebrow.

"Oh, Frisk is a special exception." Toriel answered for them, pushing the bridge of her glasses against her nose properly. She really needed a new pair soon. The three students looked at each other with tilted smiles. "Okay..."

Their school had banned the use of any kind of electrical devices since they were often used for spreading rumours and what-not. Ever since they were first banned from the grounds, the acitivies of bullying decreased dramatically. And so, the rule of not bringing any kind of device stood permanent.

Ignoring the looks Frisk was getting from the students, she flew out the room and dialled Sans' number. She was doubtful that he'd pick up, thinking that he might've been sleeping or something similar to that. She could only hope that either him or his brother would pick up the phone.

Not even half a minute went by before he answered - surprisingly.

"Hey, kid. Whatcha need?" Sans asked groggily. It sounded as if he had just gotten out of bed. Of course he did.

She asked him if he could pick her up from the school, seeing as he didn't live too far away from it, he'd be here quick. Maybe.

"Oh, yeah sure. Hang on." A loud thud was heard from the other side of the line, a wooshing sound like the wind blowing past Frisk's cheek briefly. Shooting her head behind her, Sans stood there with a lazy grin resting on his mouth, bags being carried from under his eye sockets.

Frisk leapt up on to him excitedly, a smile stamped across her face at the view of him. She often looked up to him as her guardian, a protector and a knight. A lazy one at that.

"Geez, kid. I might break a bone if ya keep doin' that!" He huffed, holding on to her back before resting her on the ground. He pushed the fact that she was wearing a skirt away from his mind. Toriel was right next door from him, and he didn't want to die from the kids mother. Not yet at least.

With a light giggle, Frisk took hold of Sans' hand as she started leading him to where the exit of the school was. He pulled her back, almost making her trip over her own feet. "Hang on." He wrapped an arm around her waist. "I know a shortcut."

He gave a cocky wink as he covered her eyes with his hand.

A sudden urge of the need to vomit wavered over Frisk as she held a hand against her stomach, slouching over with a pained look. "Whoops. Sorry 'bout that, here." Sans helped her stand up on her feet.

Looking around the area they had teleported into, she realised that they had arrived at Grillby's. She knew that scent of charcoal anywhere. Specifically Grillby's.

"He got a restaurant on the surface?!" She exclaimed loudly.

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