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After Frisk and Sans finished talking together, Sans sat down next to her with his hood still covering his face.

He carefully and gently placed his skeleton hand on Frisk's leg, his attitude changing to being serious.

"I need you to promise me that you'll stop hurting yourself, okay?" His voice was deep, but this time it wasn't scary. It reminded Frisk of how Toriel would be like. Protective.

Frisk nodded her head. "O-Okay." She accidentally stuttered. It was a little awkward for her because Sans had his hand on her leg.

"And look, just to clear some things up, I forgive you. For everything." He grinned, pulling his hood down to reveal his facial expression. "It wasn't... It wasn't you're fault."

Frisk couldn't help but feel relieved that he finally believed her. She was happy to know that someone who knew everything that she's done would forgive her. Because... She just couldn't forgive herself anymore.

"Thank you..." She said quietly as she leaned closer towards him. Snuggling in to his chest as he brought her closer.

It was beginning to get cold and it was already very late, so he used his powers to fetch a blanket. A blue light flashes in front of him as he held his hand out to catch the blanket.

Spreading it out more, he pulled it over Frisk and himself since it was big enough to cover both of them.

Now this. This was nice.

"G'night, Frisk." He whispered, bringing his head down to kiss her forehead as she was already asleep.


In the morning, Frisk had already woken up. She placed the blanket carefully over Sans as he was laying on the couch instead of sitting up now. He looked adorable whenever he was sleeping.

Smiling at his figure, she was about to walk in to the kitchen before she stopped and glanced at her backpack that was sitting on the floor against the wall.

She had almost completely forgotten about her backpack. It must've fallen off, someone putting it there do it was out of the way.

Crouching down towards it, she opened the small zipper as she was now sitting on the ground. Pushing some of the other junk that was inside of it, she uncovered the razor that was hiding inside.

As she held it in her hands, she rotated it around and found that there was still a lot of blood covering it. At this point, anyone would think that this was used as a murder weapon.

But every time she looked at it, she found her hand automatically bringing it up to her wrists like it was possessed. This was how bad her addiction was.

"No... Stop it..." She whispered to herself quietly as she pulled it away from her wrist. In just a second, she could've killed herself without even knowing.

Her quiet whisper somehow managed to wake Sans up as he sat up without making a sound and teleported on to the carpet. Just how lazy was he?

Frisk didn't seem to hear him, too lost in thought to even take in her surroundings anymore.

She felt her head black out for a second as her hand holding the razor began to slowly make its way to where her wrists were.

When Sans saw Frisk sitting next to the wall, he yawned. "Hey kiddo, why you up so early in the morn-" He gasped when he noticed that her hand was moving towards her wrists.

Reacting as fast as he could, he brought his hand out in front of him as a blue aura surrounded Frisk.

"Kid..." He mumbled, his left eye glowing brightly. "What did I just say about hurting yourself, huh?" He walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

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