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The scattered bits of the sun were seeping through the trees leaves as Frisk gazed up. If she was to climb this tree, she was worried that if she accidentally slipped, it would probably be her end.

Taking in a deep and shaky breath in, she exhaled through her nose softly. Opening her eyes, they shone brighter than ever when introduced to the sun a little.

Placing her hand on a nearby branch, she was barely able to launch herself higher in to the tree. Landing on another branch, she glanced down as a sweat drop dropped down her forehead.

Continuing to climb higher and higher in to the tree, she had finally managed to reach the top!

She was right as well, the tree she was on would be counted as the treehouse in Adventure Time for its massiveness.

As she was enjoying the light breeze that flowed by her, Toriel and the others looked her way with shocked faces. They must've been worried - which was understandable. Frisk was still recovering from her injuries (that will never heal), so if she fell, it would be fatal.

Meanwhile down below, Sans was backing himself up to see if he could get a better view of where Frisk was. When she spotted her, he could barely see what her expression was. But it looked like she was peaceful.

And he was right. Breathing in the clean air, Frisk felt relaxed and refreshed. Something that she hasn't felt for quite a while now.

Back when she was little, she would always climb the biggest trees while her mother encouraged her to do her best while she watched from below.

Those were some of her best memories yet.

"Hey, kid." Sans said out of the blue with his hand in the air as he was balancing on one of the branches beneath himself. His sudden appearance scared the living daylight out of Frisk as she jumped - causing her to accidentally trip and fall.

"Oh SHIT!" Sans yelled as he quickly tried to reach his hand out towards her, but it was too late. She was already falling, out of Sans radius.

As her arms flailed around in the air with her hair flying upwards, she turned herself to face the ground as it was slowly getting closer and closer towards her.

God damn it, Sans.

Reaching her hand out towards the ground, a pink aura devoured her hand as she kept her eyes open, waiting until she was close enough to the ground.

Toriel and the others were watching in fear as they spotted Frisk heading for the ground with Sans at the top of her, diving himself to try and save her.

Just as she was about to collide in to the ground, her entire body was covered with the pink aura as well as Sans. Stopping them from falling.

Setting herself down on to the ground, her feet met the ground as she slowly directed her hand to place him on the ground.

He stared at her with white pin pricks in his eyes and a hanging mouth.

I've never seen him with his mouth opened before.

"Y-You...?" Sans pointed towards her as he stuttered. Unsure of how to react at this point. "How did you?"

"Long story." She said in a monotone voice. Now that Sans saw what she just did, she knew that he was going to begin asking questions. LOTS of questions.

She carefully crossed her arms across her chest. "Just don't tell anyone else, please?" She asked with a frown. And Sans knew that she was being serious.

With a deep sigh, he nodded, shoving his hands back in to his pockets. "Alright... C'mon." He gestured with his thumb to point at Tori and the others that were running up towards them. "I'll cover you for when you have to explain yourself." He sent her a wink.

A smile crept its way on to her mouth as she nodded in agreement. "Thanks."


Authors Note:

Please don't hate me xD

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