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Frisk quietly sat back down on the couch - making sure that it doesn't creak too loudly that it could potentially wake Sans up. Not that he would probably wake up to it since he's a heavy sleeper. 

She grabbed a cushion on the side of her and curled herself in to a ball on the couch in the corner. Almost like where Sans was, but on the opposite side since it had more space to lay down in. 

Unsurprisingly, she found herself staring at Sans as the TV quietly continued to play in the background. 

Out of no where, he spoke. "Kid." The name scared the living daylight out of Frisk as she flinched at the sudden word. She thought that he was sleeping, but apparently he wasn't. "Y-Yeah?" She stuttered nervously. Maybe she should've asked for a blanket. 

"How'd you get those cuts on your wrists, huh?" He turned his head to face Frisk with a frown. His usual grin being wiped off his face completely. It's been a while since she's seen him do any facial  expression other than grinning. 

Before she was able to say her excuse, he cut her off instantly. "And don't give me some stupid excuse. I know what I saw." His voice got lower as he brought his left leg over his right one. His chin still resting underneath his hand. 

Frisk held her hands together as she felt them shake violently underneath the cushion she was holding. Her heart begun to beat rapidly as her teeth clattered against each other quickly. Was she having a panic attack or something? 

Sans got up from the spot he was sitting in and slowly started to approach Frisk. His left eye glowing blue and his right eye turning in to a black socket - the white pinpricks that were once in them disappearing all at once. 

"Are you gonna tell me or what?" He said, his voice getting deeper and scarier. It was beginning to remind Frisk of how he sounded like when they were back in the judgement hall fighting against each other. That was something she didn't want to remember at all. She wanted to forget it more than anything. 

Continuing to stay quiet, Sans was now standing right in front of her as she hid herself underneath the cushion. He reached his hand and had a tight grip on the pillow she was so desperately holding on to. 

She released the cushion from her grip and hid underneath her hands. Throwing the cushion in a different direction, he laid his eyes on Frisk. Her scared and shaking figure made Sans freeze and remember how she looked like back in the judgement hall when she was showing Mercy to him. After killing the entire underground. 

Every time he killed her, he felt relived, but also sad. All of the good times they had together in the other timelines were all for nothing. 

But now that he's looking down at her right here and now, he couldn't help but slowly bend down to her and wrap his arms around her fragile body. Frisk was taken a back from his actions as her hands fell by her side as he brought her closer towards his body. 

"Don't... cry..." He whispered quietly in to her ear as she felt cold liquid running down her back. He was crying. For some reason... He was actually crying.

Frisk slowly brought her hands up before she felt Sans gently pushing them down. Holding on to her wrists as she winced at his grip.

"Sans..." She muttered, looking down at her wrists that were bleeding. He followed and let go, realising where he was holding. "Sorry 'bout that."

She shook her head with a smile. "You knew, didn't you?" She asked, her smile twitching as a tear rolled down her face. "That's why you didn't look at me." Her mouth quivered.

Sans closed his eyes and looked away for a little before returning his gaze back at her. "I..." He paused. "I didn't know what to say." He admitted.

"Toriel and everyone else was there, and I figured that you probably wouldn't want them knowing about..." He gestured with his finger at her wrists. "That."

A small giggle escaped her lips. "Thank you for staying quiet." She placed her hands in her lap as she looked up at him. "And..." She trailed off.

There was a moment of silence. "What can I do to make everything up to you, Sans?" She frowned. "I know that it's impossible to make up for all my sins... But..." She stopped and looked down at her hands.

Glancing back up, she forced a smile on her face as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I just want to be friends again!" She said, acting all cheerful.

Sans eye sockets went black as he stood there in front of her. She was right, there was no way that she could possibly fix her sins. But. Who ever said that they were hers?

She was controlled.

However, now that Sans thinks about the previous timelines - Frisk always had her eyes wide open that glowed a bright ruby colour when she took the genocide route.

Meanwhile, whenever she was able to do a pacifist ending, she kept her eyes closed the entire time. It was almost as if she was a completely different person.

Sans bent down a little to have a closer look at her eyes. "Hey, kid. How come you never open your eyes?" He asked, the question taken Frisk a back in surprise. She wasn't expecting such a random question from him.

"My... Eyes?" She mumbled with a tilted head. "Yeah, you never open your eyes." He confirmed. "Could ya open 'em?"

Frisk rose an eyebrow, but decided to nod.

Opening her eyes was a bit unsettling since she's kept them closed for so long. Truth is, although they're always kept closed with no ways of her eyes being able to see through them, something allowed her to see either way. If that makes sense.

Her eyes fluttered open as she tried to look up at Sans. Both of her eyes took on a golden colour, almost like bright yellow. They looked... Gorgeous.

When Sans had a good view of them, his eye sockets widened as his white pupils turned in to even smaller pin pricks. Soon enough, a tint of blue was dusted over his cheeks. Was he blushing?

"Weird, huh?" Frisk scratched her head with a nervous smile. She didn't really want to show anyone what her eye colour was because they'd always freak out on her. "You're not gonna freak out, right?"

Sans snapped his attention to what she was saying and shook his head. "They're beautiful." The words slipping out of his mouth.

Frisk held her eyes wide in surprise. A bright red colour spreading across her cheeks in embarrassment. She was flattered, yes, but really - REALLY embarrassed.

"O-Oh. Well, thank you!" She gave him a toothy smile making his blush go darker as he flung his hood over his head to cover his embarrassed look. "No problem, kiddo."

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