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After both Sans and Frisk explained how Sans had heroically saved Frisk with his powers, Toriel thanked him over and over again as Asgore did the same.

With the picnic being wrapped up, everyone went back to their homes.

Frisk was sitting on the couch swinging her legs back and forth. Toriel and Asgore were out for the night on their little date at a restaurant down town, leaving Frisk alone in the house.

With a bored sigh, she stared at the ceiling. She had the thoughts of playing videos games on the TV or watching something, but she was still debating on it.

It was only until she was interrupted by a knocking at the glass sliding door on her left. The door lead to the back garden where most of Asgore's plants grew.

Walking closer to the door, she noticed that it was Flowey that had his vine against the surface of the sliding door. "Oh."

Frisk grabbed hold of the handle and pulled it open, letting Flowey and some of the cold breeze in to the house. "What are you doing here, Flowey?" Frisk questioned with a tilted head.

He looked up at her. "Its boring in the underground so I was wondering if I could stay here with you." He answered, his voice shaking a little bit. Probably because it was cold outside.

Frisk smiled with delight. "Of course, I was bored as well. Do you know how to play video games?" She asked, looking at the gaming console underneath the TV and then back at Flowey.

"Duh, I have vines idiot. But I need soil for them to grow longer." He replied, waggling his green vines around in the air to prove his point.

Frisk made a small 'o' face and nodded, heading back outside at the back to grab a small brown flower pot that had some soil inside of it. She was pretty sure that it had some sunflower seeds inside of it since she saw Asgore tinkering with it earlier, but it would fit Flowey the most.

Rushing back inside and placing the pot on the ground to shut the door, she sat down on the floor next to him as he carefully crawled in to the small pot.

Although it was small, it was just enough for him to grow his roots in to. Making the pot a comfortable place to be in. He would just have to be carried if he wanted to go somewhere, or he would have to use his vines if it was necessary.

Flowey glanced at Frisk. "Well? What are you waiting for?" He raised a brow at her. "Get the game ready!" He ordered, raising his voice loudly as Frisk obliged and did as he told.

She didn't find it annoying, but nice to finally spend some actual time with Flowey.


After a couple of hours of playing video games together, they both heard knocking coming from the front door.

Frisk placed her game controller on the floor while Flowey kept playing. Twisting the knob on the door, she pulled it opened to reveal that it was Sans.

"Sans?" She questioned, tilting her head a little. "Heya, kid. Mind if I come in? I'm chilled to the bone." He winked, doing the finger guns at Frisk.

She giggled a little before moving out the way to let Sans in. "So uh, where's Tori and Asgore?" He asked, pulling his black beanie off and shoving it in to his pocket.

"They went out on a date." Frisk answered, rushing back to her game controller and sitting down.

Somehow as if by a miracle, Frisk managed to quickly beat Flowey in the game. "GOD DAMN IT! HOW?!" He yelled angrily, snapping his head towards Frisk with furrowed brows.

In the corner of his eyes, he noticed that Sans was standing right next to Frisk. "Well, well well. Look who we have here." Sans chuckled, bending down to Flowey's height.

The colour was wipped off Flowey's face as his jaw hang open. "S-Sans?" He stuttered, trying to lean away from the intimidating skeleton.

"Frisk, w-what's he d-doing here?" He asked nervously as his voice quivered, not letting his eyes off Sans as his leg eye was glowing brightly.

Sans only grinned wider. "Because I wanted to have a little visit. Is that so wrong?" He asked, leaning a little closer towards Flowey.

While Frisk had her eyes glued to the TV, she reached her hand behind herself and pushed Sans face out the way. Gradually causing him to fall on his side against the floor.

"Stop fighting already, just get along and be friends." Frisk said in an annoyed tone, pressing the pause button on the controller so she could glance at the two of them.

Sans balanced himself back up as his white pupils returned to his eye sockets. "Fine." They both grunted.

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