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Upon awakening in the mist of the morning, Frisk tossed and turned in her bed as she tried to go back to sleep for a little bit longer. However, the wounds on her head said otherwise. When she glanced out of the window, she could see that the sun was barely rising above the horizon. It would probably take another hour or so for the sun to shine down on the town. 

With an annoyed groan, she pulled the sheets off of herself and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. 

Covering a hand over her mouth as she yawned, she felt a soft breeze grazing against her face. It must've been the wind that was seeking through the bottom of the window that was slightly ajar. 

As she took one final look outside to stare beyond the trees that were outside, she sighed and pulled herself off the bed with a small grunt escaping through her lips. Her head was killing her like she had a major headache, but the pain was still tolerable to handle. 

She decided to head downstairs in to the kitchen, pulling out a bowl and a cereal box. Toriel and Asgore were still sleeping peacefully in their room, so she thought that she should make the best of her time while alone. She had a feeling that once the two of them found out about the bandages around her head, they weren't going to leave her alone for a good amount of time. 

Which could be rather troublesome. 

Placing the now filled bowl on the counter, she moved over on to the other side and sat down on the wooden stool standing next to the counter. Before she was even able to eat her cereal at all, she flinched as she accidentally dropped her spoon - hovering both of her hands above her bandages on her head. 

"Ah! Ow..." She yelped a little too loudly. Tampering with the bandage around her head, causing a part of it to fall down a little. When she caught hold of it, she realised that it was covered in blood - some of the crimson liquid dripping down on to her lap. Some of the blood had swept across the palm of her hand. 

Shaking her head ever so slightly to avoid any more pain, she continued to eat her cereal, enjoying the quietness that the house had. All she could think about was how she was going to explain herself to Toriel. 


As the morning went on, the sun soon came shining down upon the town with its bright radiance. Frisk had fallen asleep on the couch, the blood seeking through her bandages slipping out from them and on to the couch. 

Asgore came walking down the staircase with a echoing yawn as he closed his eyes tightly together, walking in to the living room to find Frisk with bandages wrapped all around her head sitting on the couch. She was sitting in the corner of the couch against a cushion since she found that it was more comfortable. 

When he laid eyes on the blood that was staining the bandages, he hurriedly rushed by her side, worriedly shaking her awake. "Frisk!" He exclaimed, causing Frisk to slowly flutter her eyes open in surprise. 

Unsurprisingly, this was the first time that Asgore was able to actually see Frisk open her eyes completely - since she always had them closed. Frisk hummed in response as Asgore stopped shaking her. 

"What happened to you?" Asgore asked with a worried look plastered on his face. When Frisk finally came to realise that it was Asgore, her eyes immediately shot wide open in shock. She hadn't come up with an excuse yet. 

She pulled herself away from Asgore, shaking his hands off her shoulders as she backed away further in to the corner of the couch. "Golly, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you like that..." He said with a frown, rubbing the back of his neck in shame. 

Soon enough, they both heard Toriel walking down the stairs with a yawn coming from her. "What's with all the noise?" She questioned, opening her eyes tiredly as she looked towards Frisk and Asgore. She wasn't surprised when she saw Asgore, but when she noticed that there were white bandages around Frisk's head, she found herself wide awake. 

"My child...?" She gasped. "What happened?!" Toriel ran towards her and knelt on the ground. "Are you alright?" Her eyes were filled with fear and worry as she reached her shaking hand towards Frisk. 

Now knowing that Toriel was here by her side, she felt herself calm down a little as she allowed her to touch the bandages that were wrapped around her head. It stung when Toriel's hand grazed across one of the cuts - making her flinch and curl her hands in to fists, but she tried her best to not show any signs of pain. 

A little bit of blood that came from the bandages spread across her hand, but she didn't seem to mind it too much. "We need to get you to the hospital." Toriel stated, giving a look at Asgore. He seemed to have already known what she was going to say since he was already holding his phone in hand. 

"No, wait!" Frisk protested, snatching the phone away from Asgore and cancelling the dial on his phone. "No... No more hospitals. I'm fine, Toriel." She gave a reassuring smile towards the two of them. 

Toriel and Asgore both sighed in defeat as they nodded in acknowledgement. 

However, Toriel was still worried for Frisk's well being. "Are you sure, my child?" She asked with a frown. Frisk nodded, giving her answer to her question. "I understand." She sighed again. 

"Well then. You won't be going to school today, so you'll have to stay home by yourself. Will that be okay?"

"Yep!" Frisk chirped with a cheerful smile. She didn't really like spending her time at school because of various reasons, so if she was able to get the day off, she'd love it! But then of course, that begs the question of what she'd do during her free time off school. Christmas will be coming up shortly, so maybe she should make some plans for that? 


Asgore and Toriel both said their goodbyes to Frisk as they left for the school. Although they had a nice car, they still preferred to walk there to enjoy the morning breeze. And then in addition to that, the two of them would be able to talk to each other. 

With them now out of the house, Frisk decided to grab the first aid kit and try to re-do the bandages around her head for the time being. They weren't exactly stable to stay on her head since some of the straps kept on falling off every now and then. And it wasn't exactly comfortable to wear as well. 

That's Sans handy work for you. 

After re-bandaging herself, she felt more better and free now that she knew that the bandages wouldn't be slipping off her head as often as it should. With a sigh of relief, she sat back down on the couch with groan. 

Even though the bandages were now properly wrapped around her head, it didn't mean that the pain that she would feel for the next month of so would stop in an instant. Of course not. It was going to take at least one month or less for the cuts to heal completely. Only for them to turn in to scars. 

Suddenly, a rather unusual idea popped in to her head. She didn't feel like she was the one that was thinking of it, but rather Chara. The idea was to RESET. Of course...

"No." Frisk muttered under her breath, furrowing her brows angrily as her frustration was beginning to build up inside of her. She heard the faint noise of someone giggling in the distance, a rather familiar someone as well. All too familiar. 

She ignored the giggles as the sound of ringing entered her ears. Shoving her hands in to her pockets, she pulled out her phone to notice that Papyrus was ringing her. 

Rather abruptly, she felt a genuine smile crawl itself up her mouth. Papyrus was a good and caring friend to her, and he was so energetic and positive. It was so adorable. 

Pressing the answer button on her phone, she brought the phone up to her ear as Papyrus' loud booming voice came through. "Frisk! Are you feeling any better?" He asked, a hint of worry lingering in his voice as he spoke. Frisk smiled brightly, the sound of his loud voice bringing her joy... and pain. 

"Yes, Papy. I'm feeling all better now!" 

For now you are...  

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