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Frisk flinched at Sans booming voice with her eyes widened. His voice sounded like when he was back in the judgement hall, fighting her.

Suddenly, they both heard footsteps trotting down the stairs. "Is everything alright down here? I heard yelling and-" It was Toriel.

She was wiping her eyes until she noticed Sans holding a razor in his hand. Frisk and Sans both snapped their attention towards Toriel, freezing where they were.

A fireball formed in her hand as she threw it towards Sans. "Dont you dare hurt her!!" Toriel shouted angrily, her eyes digging daggers in to his eye sockets.

He reacted quickly by dodging the fireball and slid across the floor with his hand against it. "Ugh..." He grunted with one eye squinted close.

Toriel dashed towards Frisk, hiding her behind her back as more fireballs were summoned around her in her hands and in the air.

"Toriel, I'm not gonna-" Sans was cut off as he was forced to teleport elsewhere in the room before another fireball was going to hit him. "Damn it!"

Toriel glared at him with fury in her eyes. Sending more fireballs towards him, sweat devoured his face. He was getting tired, and he couldn't afford to hurt Toriel.

"Stop it!" Frisk shouted, pulling down on Toriel's dress. She didn't listen to a word she said. "Toriel!" Nothing.

Continuing to throw fireballs at Sans, she managed to throw one directed right at him, certain to hit him.

However, before the gigantic fiery fireball was about to hit him, Frisk swiftly jumped in front of him and shielded him from the attack.

She landed on the ground with a thud, causing Toriel to cover her mouth with both of her hands. "My child!" She exclaimed, rushing towards Frisk's lifeless body.

Sans was still processing what had just happened, his white pupils returning back in to small pin pricks. "Kid...?" He mumbled quietly, falling to his knees in front of her body.

Papyrus, Undyne and Asgore came rushing down the stairs to see what was going on. "Hey, what's going on here?!" Undyne yelled, her question being answered by seeing Toriel and Sans on the floor next to Frisk.

Toriel turned her head towards the three. "Asgore, call the ambulance!" She yelled, tears rolling down her cheeks with her eyes widened.

Papyrus and Undyne rushed by her side and bent down towards Frisk. Her sweater was burnt with bits of blood staining the front of it.

Meanwhile, Toriel held on to her hand tightly as she whispered something. "Please, hang in there." She plead.

Lifting her head a little, her eyes narrowed at Sans. "Why were you holding a razor in your hand?" She asked with a frown.

He looked up at her. "Because this was hers." He lifted his hand up to reveal the razor in his hand. "I wasn't going to hurt her. I was preventing her from hurting HERSELF." He stated.

Toriel's eyes widened immediately as more tears poured out from her eyes. "She..." She guided her eyes down towards Frisk. "She was going to..." She stopped herself from saying anything else.

After a minute passed, they could all hear sirens coming down the road. Asgore quickly went to open the door as the ambulance people came rushing in.


Frisk woke up with sweat devouring her entire body as she sat herself up. Her back and stomach felt tightened like something was stuck on to them.

When she looked down, she seemed to be wearing a white and blue short sleeved dressing gown. What patients would wear in hospitals.

Looking around her surroundings, she was apparently sleeping in a hospital bed by herself. There was a window on the other side of the room and she could tell that it was night time since there was nothing but darkness through it. 

I can't stay here.

She pushed the bed sheets off of herself and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. Now standing on her two feet, she noticed that her two arms were covered in white bandages that had blood peeked out from the cloth. She figured that her back and legs were probably covered up in bandages as well.  

Heading towards the door, she turned the knob and poked her head from the doorway, making sure that no one was out and about. With the coast clear, she hurriedly hid behind the wall and peeked from behind it. No one to be seen. 

Continuing on for some time, she travelled down the stairs as she was hoping that she would soon reach the first floor and be able to go back home. She didn't like staying in hospitals anymore. And besides, she would survive anyways. 

Her luck soon ran out as she was caught by a lady behind the counter. "And where do you think you're going missy?" A female said, causing Frisk to turn her head around to face her with wide eyes. "Um..." She was at a loss for words. 

"What's your name, hm?" The bunny lady questioned, guiding her eyes back to the laptop in front of her. 

Frisk hesitated before giving in and telling the receptionist her name. "Frisk." She answered. The lady begun to tap her fingers against the keyboard as she clicked her mouse. "Hm. You must be looking for your family, right?" The lady questioned. 

She nodded her head in response. "Well then, you're in luck!" The lady said with a wide smile, stepping out from behind the counter and approaching Frisk - placing her hand on Frisk's shoulder. "I saw them in the waiting room. One of them looked like she was about to have a heart attack!" 

"Then there was another one just staring dead at the floor like he had seen a ghost! The other two were uh..." She paused for a second before continuing on with her sentence. "They looked to be playing a game of some sort." She raised her eyebrow briefly before looking back down at Frisk. "Anyways, let's go!" 


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