Chapter 24: Quiet

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Jennie's aunt keeps on glancing at Lisa, which the girl didn't fail to notice but she's just ignoring her and keeps peeling the garlics.

"Lisa-ssi, can you tell me something about you? Something that you know Jennie doesn't know about you yet."

Lisa looks at Jennie's aunt and smiles.

"Ma'am--Call me aunt, don't worry.. I won't tell my sister." Jennie's aunt smiled and winks at her. The girl smiles widely.

"Well, aunt, maybe Jennie unnie doesn't know about this yet.. but every time I'm upset, I'm really craving for her pancakes. I don't know why but I really love her pancakes."

Jennie's aunt chuckles.

"You love her cooking?"

"I love everything about her, imo.. I may not feel it before but I assure you, I love her and I don't even know how much.." Lisa utters. Jennie's aunt suddenly becomes quiet and stared at Lisa.

"You know our Jennie.. she's gone too much from her previous relationships. She gave her all. Well, not all.."

Lisa's eyes widen but she didn't let Jennie's aunt notice. She knows what exactly she's talking about.

"I'm so proud of my niece, Lisa-ssi.. if she got mad at you for something you don't know what you even did, trust me, it's coming from an experience."

Lisa nodded.

"Yes, imo. Don't worry, I'm doing my best to understand her every time she got mad. I've changed because of her. I bet you knew about how I treat her before..?"

"Mhm.." Jennie's aunt nodded.

"I've changed. She helped me changed a lot. Though we still fight sometimes, but it's not the same as before. We just made our relationship official recently.. and I'm really thankful she gives me another chance."

"Well, you're lucky, Lisa-ssi.. Jennie experienced so many things since she was little, and trusting someone is really hard for her. Did she tell you about her father?"

Lisa nodded.

"Hmm.. she finds it hard to trust people because of him. That's why, you can't lie to her. She will never forgive you if you did. And she knows if you're lying."

Lisa looks at Jennie's aunt.

"I will never do that, imo. I'm very transparent with her since. Don't worry.. I will never break Jennie unnie's trust. I'll make her happy, promise." Lisa utters and smiles at Imo.

Then Jennie and her mom are approaching carrying some trays. Imo and Lisa immediately helps Jennie's mom.

"Yah!" Jennie scowled.

"Aigoo aigoo.." Jennie's aunt chuckles and Lisa immediately runs to Jennie to help her. The older is furrowing her eyebrows while glaring at Lisa.

"Sorry.." Lisa mumbles and helps her with the trays. Jennie's mom lowkey smiled at the two but hiding it.

"Why didn't you call me and you carried all of these.. aigooo.." Jennie's aunt utters as they sits on the bamboo platform.


The four of them eats already. Lisa glanced at Jennie and saw a little mess on the corner of her lips.

"Unnie.. you have something on your lips.." Lisa utters and points on her lips.

"Where?" Jennie wipes it but it's still there.

"Here.. let me.. wait." Lisa reached and helps Jennie to wipe it. Lisa wipes the sauce with her finger and she unconsciously puts her finger in her mouth.

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