Chapter 35: Code Red

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Lisa harshly removes Jennie's arms around her and pushes the girl gently to sit properly on the couch. Lisa then continued watching.

"You know I used to do that to some girls before I met you. I even did it to you. And I don't want to do it again."

Jennie gulps and looks at Lisa.

"So what.. it's not like, I'm still gonna lose something if that happens." Jennie mumbles.

Lisa turns to her, furrowing her eyebrows. Jennie looked back at her. Lisa noticed her gulps and shakes her head.

"What even happened to that man's face?" Jennie asked while pointing to the man who drilled the homeless guy's head.

"Like I said, he's got addicted to the pleasure of pain. His girlfriend left him because she said it's not her thing, cause apparently, the guy's been hitting her, pinching her and pulling her hair while doing her."

Lisa looks at Jennie. The girl is listening to her.

"Aren't you listening to the narration?" Lisa asked while frowning. Jennie shakes her head.

"I was busy crying on your neck."

"His girlfriend breaks up with him and he can't get her back. He got wasted and broke a glass. He grabs one piece of broken glass and cuts his thumb using it. And that started everything. He hurt himself just to feel the urge of being turn on. He even pulled his teeth in front of the mirror, just to satisfy himself. And then, that. He roamed in the street and found that poor homeless guy."

Jennie heaves a breath and strokes her hair.

"That was.. extreme.. but I can't imagine you doing that though."

"Do what?"

"Hurting yourself just to feel.. whatever you want to feel. I was still your first." Jennie chuckles.

"Shut up." Lisa shakes her head and grabs the bowl.

"It's melted already."

"Give me that. I'll put it in the fridge again."

Lisa grabs the ice cream and gives to Jennie. She ate all that's left in the bowl and put it back on the table.

"You know what's good about this series.. you can watch any episode you like because in every episode, there's a different theme and story. You don't have to watch it in order."

"So what about that episode now?" Jennie asked.

"Haven't you watched this already?" Lisa frowns at her while pointing on the show.

"Not yet. Just now. When you clicked it."

"You have it in your drive and you haven't watched it yet?"

Jennie smiles but then winced and holds her lip. She snorted and noticed blood on it. She looks at Lisa who's looking at her intently. Jennie immediately goes to the kitchen and grabs paper towels.

"You're torturing me." Lisa mumbles.

"I heard that. And no, I'm not." Jennie said as she sits back on the couch. She glanced at the clock.

"I feel like I want to go to the bar tonight."

"Lisa!" Jennie yelled at her because she knows exactly what could happen if she said that.

Jennie feels her heart throbs so fast and a ball of pain in her throat.

"I'm just joking."

"It's not funny."

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