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Foster home here I come
After packing what could fit into a polythene bag, I got into the car and was taken to my new home

I remember how excited I was about moving from our rough neighborhood and it was actually my first time in a car.. I said goodbyes to my few friends and was so eagar to start this next phase of my life

The foster home was a large compound, with a playground and lots of things to play with. I was excited

After a lot of formal talk in the directors office, I was taken to room B, it was a long room with bunk beds facing each other... I looked and realize they were all girls in the room and they were about 15 of them. Some around my age and some younger than me. The woman I came with smiled when she showed me my bed and told me to be a good girl

I settled in quickly and the other girls stared anxiously at me as I pulled off my clothes and went to the bathroom

The day moved quickly and we all gathered in the dinning for dinner, we had two guardians. Miss Joe and Mrs Lawrence. I notice how the children gets really tense when Mrs Lawrence is around and eased up when it only miss Joy

The next few days was enough to realize that we were all kept in a beautiful prison and guarded by some really strict rules. It wasnt easy to adjust knowing that I use to live on my own terms.. Even though the food wasn't always available I ate when I like and go out to play with my friends often too

Days turns week and weeks into month
Springcare foster home became my home, it was easy to get use to the environment since most of the people around me were kids my age

My class teacher Mrs Nwosu visited me one weekend to find out how I was doing.. I was really happy to see her  but I couldn't tell her, that we work most of the times and sleep for about five hours everyday

Every day we are woken up before dawn and led to the farm where we work for long hours and then we take our baths and head to classes, classes are usually very short because some of us had to return back to the farm while others clean the compound

Of course I couldn't tell Mrs Nwosu about all this because Mrs Lawrence was always with us in our meetings and it never comfortable to talk when she's around and I couldn't say this because I don't want to be ingrate and have heard from the other kids that she always discipline those that say bad stuff about the Foster home to our  visitors

But At least at that time things were tolerable and we still had some fun time but it got to a point where there's no fun at all, we worked even longer hours and we were given baskets to fill during harvest and large portion to plant seeds

It got harder each day and I just prayed that something takes all this endless work away

I have watched carefully as families come and adopt other children in the home and even some of my friends had gone . They always look happy when someone finally comes and take them away from this beautiful prison

I was praying it would be my turn one day not knowing it was my turn already

One bright afternoon after working endlessly at the farm, I was heading back to our hostel when I notice a beautiful black car packed in the driveway.

Of course this is very usual, different gorgeous cars have come with people that want to adopt children but today I felt it might just be my lucky day

I ran towards Mrs Lawrence office and peeped in the window to see her guests

A lovely young couple sat opposite her table and they seem to be having a fun discussion because they were all smiling broadly especially Mrs Lawrence and I have known her for a while now, she never smiles but it seem this couple might just be agreeing to her terms

I moved away from the window slowly I didn't want to be caught hanging around I would be in serious trouble but as I began to walk away  I realized that most young couples never go back with someone my age, they always prefer newborns or kids between one to five. Not someone like me who is almost thirteen.. As I was walking away the door to Mrs Lawrence office opened and I turned around in fear,

Then I saw him for the first time the beast that tormented my life

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