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I read the letter over and over again, and over again
For everytime i re-read it, it had different meaning in different directions
Why would he send me this kind of letter, what is he hoping to accomplish by doing this..

He didnt exactly admit to the past we had, so as not to implicate himself
He really is playing smart but what baffles me is this letter, he just used his words to release a plague of confusion in my already troubled mind

I can't believe I was so excited to see who's at the door only to be served with this piece of paper that holds words that just set my mind on fire

Truth is I didn't expect us to be in this situation not after what has happened, not with me trying to get justice for what he did to me.....
Even if his feelings towards me were genuine... I expected him to shove it down his throat,,,

Maybe I should give this letter to Juliet just to show her that her husband is a cheating scum
But that's not necessary I mean what is the point ...... She won't believe me, she's so blindly in love that she has decided to turn a blind eye at everything he's doing to her

The rest of the day crawled slowly and as much as I try to take my mind off it I keep drifting back to it infact it is so bad I have memorized it

He wants me to meet him at the rooftop....
Like alone together tonight at that rooftop
Does that even sound safe at all
I know am not suppose to consider it but I can't stop thinking about it

I tried to call Lucy just to catch up on the case but I don't even know what to say to her..... Tris is unstable and we are currently working on nothing. I can't even think of anything
Philip as taken over my head with his stupid letter


It is certain that I won't be able to catch sleep tonught and even if I did.. It would be another episode of  wet dreams...

By 9:30pm
I couldn't help myself, I had to fill my curiosity
I took a long bath just to be sure I wasn't making a decision out of rush... I grabbed my tight blue jean and my camo shirt with a black face cap

i waited and paced round the house until it was 10 on the dot then I put my pepper spray in my tiny bag and left my apartment

I drove my car like a turtle to blue shore, I wasn't sure I will be able to get the directions but somehow it seems my mind is just doing things out of proportion tonight

I parked my car outside the beach and walked to the main building... It was late but the beach side was rocking but where am heading towards looks calm and quiet from the other side

i stood in front of the building that leads to the rooftop and try to talk myself out of this insanity..
A girl approached me

"Hello miss....  Are you here to see the boss"

"Uhhn... How would know that "

"Well I remember you from the night you came "

"Why....  do your boss bring other ladies "

Jesus..... Gen, what the heck is wrong with you.... I can't believe that just came out of my mouth

"Ahh No.... He has only brought you here... No one has ever gone up there with him"

I smiled and followed her inside
She stopped by the staircase and I went on.. Now I know I can't turn back now

I walked through the stairs slowly.. Until I got to the rooftop and the cold breeze hit me ...

He was sitting at the far end of the roof .... Staring at the stars with a shot of whiskey in one hand

I moved closer to him and for every step I took, my foot crept into the hard roof board....
When I was standing a few feet from him... He turned and look at me and I was suddenly feeling so cold, I held my bag across my legs like a child and bring my gaze down

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