Chapter 1

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(Two days before)
*Sonic's POV*

'Hungry' I tell myself. I'm feeling too lazy to cook, or even go out and get some food. 'Amy's apartment is just down the hall. I could just stop by and hope she'll offer me breakfast...' With a growl emitting from my stomach I make up my mind.


"Hey Ames you up!" I hollered perhaps a little too loud as I knocked. Despite my ill-mannered greeting I could hear Amy running excitingly to the door quickly greeted me with her famous "death-hugs."

"Sonic! I am sooo glad you're here. You won't believe these pancakes I just whipped up they're incred-" I cut Amy off with a longing gasp of air. "Oops, sorry..." She says bashfully as she lets me go. "Ha ha no worries. Did you say pancakes?" I asked as I entered her home. I saw a huge stack of perfectly golden pancakes on the table. 'Smells good. Woah, really good!' I thought.

"Help yourself!" Amy cheerfully offered. I got a plate and fork and dug in. "Wow these are good, what's so different from your usual?" I questioned.

"Oh well I bought this new book called 'Breathtaking Baking' and on the back it had a number and website to contact for the special ingredients need for some of the recipes." She informed me while I ate. Now that she stopped however, I noticed I finished my stack and was about to look up and ask for more. But as I looked at Amy. me. 'Was she always this pretty?' I found myself asking.

"Sonic? Are you ok? You look red." Amy stared at me as she said this but each word was fuzzier than the last. I could only stare at her beauty. "Amy you're so Pretty..." I said not realizing I said that out loud, AND with my mouth full of the last pancake . "Huh? OOOOooh! Yes of course you can have more pancakes! After all you did say pretty please." Amy stated with her lovely voice. 'Like an angel, better than an angel, it's so uniquely gorgeous' I can't even think straight anymore. "Sonic, I'm sorry but I don't think I have enough batter to make more..." Amy's voice brought me back.

"That's ok!" I say with an eager tone. "Let's just go get some more at the store." I rush to her side causing her to jump back a bit. "Oh. No it's okay Sonic. We really should meet up with the others now though." She innocently declined as she acknowledged the clock on her stove. "It's almost time for our outing after all, wait right here while I grab my basket, I packed fruit and muffins!" She stated as she walked towards her room.

'I... I don't want to be with any of them... I want Amy.... only....Amy...' I sneered within my mind.


I looked from my spot over at everyone. Upset that Amy was talking to Rouge and Cream instead of me. I looked up to see Tails joining me in the shade by the tree. 'This meadow would be so much lovlier without these other three. And oh Chaos, Knuckles is dropping by later too.'

"I don't wanna be here..." I stated bitterly.

"I'm surprised you came at all Sonic." Tails wispered to me. Though I don't care to acknowledge him. "I only came because Amy made me." I said to myself, but of course Tails assumed I spoke to him. "Oh I see, she went and dragged you out of your room huh?" He stated almost too cheerfully. 'Fine I'll humor you...' "Actually I was at Amy's this morning having the best pancakes imaginable." I remarked. "Wow, you must have been really hungry to go to Amy's willingly." Tails then started to laugh.

Now of course I was originally very hungry and just wanted some breakfast, but for Tails to make a joke about Amy being unpleasant company.... 'I was humoring you fox boy....' I thought sourly. I was about to throw him to the ground and ruff him up when I noticed a red dot in the distance. "Greeeeat... he's here too." And by he I mean Knuckles of course.

"Hey Knuckles!" Amy's sweet voice called out. I was a little heartbroken. She used her sweet voice to speak to him. So I decided to zip up to Amy to watch over her as Knuckles came closer. "Hey Ames can I get another muffin?" I asked innocently. "Huh, you're still not full, even after all those pancakes this morning?" She inquired. "Come on just one more~" I tried my best to coo but she she just laughed. I rose up slightly offended that she wasn't enticed by my charm. But I quickly tried to calm myself down. "Ok Sonic. One more but only cuz' I love you."  My ears went hot as I heard her say those three magical words. Without relizing it, I leaned, and was welcomed by something tasty. But not Amy's angelic lips. It was one of Amy's angelic muffins. I almost spat it out but covered with a small cough and continued to bite into it. Still, upset that I couldn't kiss her.

"Did I hear that correctly, you ate pancakes at Amy's?" Rouge questioned. "Wait you made pancakes and didn't bring any?" Tails asked Amy, almost getting too close for my comfort. Luckily, I knew he had feelings for a certain rabbit. "Yeah so what, Sonic lives in my building, he's come over for food before." Amy defended.

"Please tell me you guys didn't finish all the food." We whipped around to see Knuckles finally came. "Don't worry Mr. Knuckles, Amy brought a lot of fruits and muffins!" Cream said sweetly. Though not nearly as sweet as my Amy. "Here Knuckles, try it, I didn't make these muffins actually, but they're still good." Amy informed him.

"What? You mean these aren't your famous muffins?" Cream and Rouge questioned simultaneously. "Uhhh no actually. I spent most of my baking ingredients for the pancakes I whipped up this morning. And no sorry Knuckles but Sonic ate most of them. All but two actally." Amy stated as she looked at me. I started to feel guilty. 'Aw man I should have let her eat some more, she's probably starving, and after all the hard work she's done.' I thought sadly. "Heh, sorry Ames, I'll buy you some lunch to make up for it." I offered. Then her eyes perked up. "Really!? Oh how nice Sonic, but..." she hesitated, "I need to do a lot of shopping today, how about tomorrow?" She asked. "Works for me" I agreed. 'Whew, I thought she was gonna decline....things would've gotten ugly if she did...'

The others proceded to stare at the two of us throughout the day. I didn't care much. The thought of a date with Amy was enough to calm me down. We spent the whole morning talking, joking, and at one point playing hide and seek. Just like when we were kids. Unfortunately I'm never allowed to be it as I find everone easily. The real nuisance was leaving after we had lunch.

"Come on Ames you said goodbye to Rouge like five times already." I muttered. I was waiting for her to leave with me so I could take her home to drop of her basket. 'If I'm lucky, she'll kiss me goodbye. Why did I always avoid those. Why am I suddenly so in love with her? Am I okay-' "Sonic? You okay?" Amy interrupted my thoughts once more. "Huh? Oh yeah, come on I'll carry you home so you can drop off your basket." I cheerfully persist. "Oh wow you're being a gentleman today." Amy gigled.

After dropping her off...I didn't want to leave. "Bye Sonic, we'll have lunch tomorrow remember." She said with a hint of uncertainty, probably cuz' I always forget. "Yeah I'll pick you up at 11:30 okay?" I call back as I head to my room, more slowly than I ever done before. "Great! See you then." And with that...she was gone. "Chaos I miss her already. This time I won't forget. I won't allow myself to...' And so my agonizing impatience caused me to stay awake until midnight, just thinking about her. Until I started to dream of her. Finally I went to bed.

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