Chapter 25

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A/N: Not sure if there's going to be 5 chapters left or 10... maybe 11...🙃 (LOL don't take that seriously cuz I'm not sure how long it'll really take till I write it)

Also this chapter will contain *ehem*.... "the horizontal tango" if you will.

Enjoy, vote, and comment please~


*Sonics POV*

"Amy I'm home." I say out loud as I enter the house. I look to the livingroom and see all our boxes from the move smashed flat.

'Did she get mad or something?' Then upon closer inspection I recognized that kind of damage style.... 'Oh no.'

With that thought I rush around the room then finally check upstairs in search for her.

I find her in another room (not our bedroom) that she apparently made into a study. I also see Rouge, staring straight at me past Amy who has just turned her head to face me.

As well as Vanilla next to her... looking quite pissed.

"What's going on-" Before I could finish Amy turned her body towards me and held up a stick like object towards my face.

It was a positive pregnancy test.

Tears started forming in my eyes out of joy.

"See Vanilla! I told you he would be happy." Rouge had said seemingly taking my side. I look up to her then Amy whose also beaming with joy and tears. Though it looks like she'd been crying for a while. I hug her, but not too tightly to avoid her belly. I was glad to realize I wasn't feeling too overprotective but still overjoyed, proving those pancakes and muffins effects were gone.

"I'll believe him when he shows up to the altar." Vanilla says sternly.

Amy pulls away and takes off her glove to look at her ring. "I think with the pregnancy in mind we should move up the date." Her words were quiet and shy, considering she probably felt bashful at the sudden admitted antics in bed, that caused the pregnancy.

I nodded, "As soon as you want Ames." I blushed as I kissed her forehead then looked up to Cream who was "hiding" behind Vanilla.

'Rouge probably told Cream but Vanilla found out.' I assumed. 'Don't worry Cream I'll help ya out.'

"Hey, I know! Tails can be the best man, obviously, and Cream could be the maid of honor!" I cheerfully suggested.

"Oooh yes what a good idea Sonikku!" Amy then turned to Cream and Vanilla, "Oh will you Cream?"

Cream moved closer and looked up to Vanilla, her small frown turned into a soft smile with a sigh, "You should be proud Cream... you're going to have an important role in your friend's wedding."

The two girls giggled afterwards, they continued talking,  bringing Rouge into the conversation, and we all agreed she'd be the party planner.

As the girls gossiped, Vanilla beckoned me aside, and gave me a book with a fabric cover hiding the title.

"This will help you as it helped me..." She wispered, then she joined in the conversation. As I put the book away in one of our bookshelves, remembering to keep track of it as I did so, I heard Amy mention inviting our old landlord and his family.

I thought of our family, growing as we speak, and as I wondered how to keep them safe (from all that has happened) I remembered the boxes in the livingroom.

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