Chapter 2

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(This morning/afternoon)
*Sonic's POV*

It was barely 9:00 but I was stressfully waiting for Amy to wake up.I woke up only 10 minutes ago but I immediately went to Amy's to see if she'd like to hang out before we decided on having lunch. So when I saw her door open...I panicked. I went through her whole apartment in 5 seconds and was relieved to find her in her bedroom peacefully sleeping. Like an ange- wait no I've already established she'd be more than an angel. Aw well, that's the closest I'm gonna get with mobian words.

She stirred and started to flutter her long dark lashes. But then her eyes fully opened and she screamed. "Woah woah Amy! Calm down its just me!" I said quickly. Yeah I was watching her sleep but from a good distance. I didn't want to wake her after all. "S-Sonic?" Amy cried softly. "Hey, you okay? I'm sorry I know it's rude to come in uninvited but the door was unlocked and I was worried so I just had to check up on you-" "You were worried" Amy quietly asked looking up at me with her captivating jade eyes. "Well... Yeah." I started to feel hot in the ears AND my muzzle. 'Chaos the things this girl does to me.'

"Wait the door was unlocked? I was sure I locked it..." Amy's statement made me panick again, but only internally, right now I was more curious. "Amy....?" I started. "Hm yeah Sonic?" She replied. "Why are you still sleeping at 9 am, you're usually up before me?" I  questioned. 'She's not 12 anymore, if she was up late, there's a likely distasteful reason. I swear if she lied to me about shopping-' "Oh goodness Sonic, you wouldn't believe me, I'll tell you after lunch. But first I gotta clean and get ready." She proclaimed as she got up and pushed me out of her room, out the hallway, and out of her apartment. "Sorry Sonic but you'd distract me from getting any cleaning done, so bye."

I was about to protest but as she bid me farewell she kissed my cheek making my whole body get hot. Too hot to control my urges. So I zipped to my apartment, and took a cold shower, sacrificing myself for Amy's wishes of a nice, clean, gentleman. And not some gross, dirty, hornhog. ' I'll have to keep myself in check for our date. Don't want our relationship to escalate.... Well...not that I'd mind~.' I smirked at my internal comment. ' One day, but not too soon.'


"Where do you wanna eat?" Amy asked. "You pick, it's my treat to you after all." I say with my signature smirk. "Hmm to be honest, I'd be fine with some pizza." She decided. "Let's go to Pepe's then." I concluded.

'Yeah, pizza why what's wrong with going with what she wants?' I ask my questioning brain.

'Friends...have pizza....LOVERS...have a romantic meal like spaghetti or steak EVEN IF IT'S LUNCH!' 'Oh shut up, its not up to us it's her day..... whatever makes her happy.'

"Sonic?" Her sweet voice brings me back to earth once again. (A/N:btw by earth I mean like ground or dirt, this is still planet Mobius) "Are you okay, you've been quiet recently?" Amy pondered. "Yeah of course I'm okay, aren't you...?" I ask worryingly. "Of course, whenever I'm with you it's like the world revolves around us!" Amy stated gleefully as she locked arms with me. I did my best not to blush....and by "blush" I mean "get aroused." 'Chaos she's hot!' I thought bashfully, gratefull that I decided to wear clothes when I turned 18. 'Damn hormones!' I interally shout. I then look at Amy, who's about 7 inches shorter than me mind you. As she walks next to me, I can her plumped breast bounce through her shirt. 'Daaaaaaamn hormones~...' Suddenly I realized we're only a few feet away from the restaurant. "Wow we're here already." Amy said tightening her grip on my arm. "Yeah, come on let's find a booth." I told her as we walked in.

The rest of lunch was great! Amy only let go of my arm when we ate. However once we left, I had just realized she never told me what kept her up late. "Hey Ames, you gonna tell me why you slept in?" I finally asked. "O-oh...well you'll think it's silly...but... I thought I saw...." She paused. 'Well? What did you see, or think you saw.... not a man I hope-' "I saw a rat I think..." she finally concluded.

' ....Not a Mobian rat man I hope....'

"Well? Are you gonna laugh or what?" Amy looked at me starting to get teary eyed. "What no no no no no no nooooo, I get it Amy, rats are grossed, if I saw one in my apartment I wouldn't sleep either." I chuckled out hoping she wouldn't get mad that I did technically laugh. "You know, I still don't wanna go back, even after I cleaned up..." ' That explains that...' I thought. Then, I got an even better thought. "Heeeyyyy, why don't you sleep over at my place. I'll even go and put a couple of rat traps in your apartment myself, until we're sure you don't have a rat problem." I offered.

Silence followed as Amy thought about it. then after 15 looonng seconds. "Hmmmm okay....BUT you stay on your side of the bed!" She commanded. I shook my head in acknowledgment. 'I didn't even think she'd sleep in the same bed. I'd thought she'd ask for the couch. Although it is kinda small and lumpy. I'll have to buy a new one for her soon.... not too soon though.'


"Okay Ames I'm back, I bought the traps!" I shout as I'm entering Amy's apartment. Panicked that she didn't respond I look around and thankfully found a note from Amy.

/Dear Sonic
        I'm too scared to be in here alone. So can you please set the traps and just come back to your apartment?
                        ~Love, Amy.    xoxo/

"So cute.... I wonder if her bed smells like her~" I wonder out loud. Just as I'm about to find out,a little voice at the back of my head said "Amy first, and Amy wants you to set up rat traps."

Stupid brain. So after an hour of carefully setting up the traps I was resting for a moment before heading back.... 'Hhhhhnnnfgffghhhhh LETS STEAL SOME OF HER PANTIES!' And of course I went to her bedroom after that. "Hehe I hope she has some soft ones~" I say flirtatiously. However.... as I put my hand on her dresser door knob, I heard the front door open. 'Amy?' I thought and I proceeded to head back. Maybe I took a bit too long. I read the clock next to Amy's dresser. 8:35 pm. 'Shit way too long! Stupid line at the store, took like an hour... I had missed dinner.'

Now upset I walk into the hallway, and what do I see....a rat.... a rat man. "Hey!" I shouted with venom in my tone. "Shit!" was all the rat man said as he ran towards the window and down out the fire escape. I followed not caring that he was probably carying a weapon. I'd worry about that later. I finally lunged foward and grab him. I turn him around and ask, eerily quiet, as to not alert anyone of what I may do next, "What the FUCK, were you doing, in my girl's home?" He quivered slightly as he began to speak. "Chill dude. I was only gonna steal some panties, I wasn't gonna hurt her. I didn't realize who she was at first I just tried opening her door last night and it practically broke..." As he explained, my anger only grew. My mind went blank.

Blank and red.... so red...

And then... I ..."woke up"...

'Oh no....oh no... I killed him...Amy's gonna be sooo mad at me...Amy...'

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