Chapter 8

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*Sonic's POV*

I couldn't sleep after the phone call, I stood up pacing in my living room. 'It all made sense now, I'm obsessed with her because of those.... fucking delicous pancakes...' I made up my mind. 'NO MORE PANCAKES, and no more book!' I grab the book and put it in under my sofa. 'If Amy asks, I'll say she probably dropped it, can't just throw it away.'

Just as I get up from leaving it, my bedroom door opens. "Sonikku?" Asks Amy. "Yeah Ames I'm here." I reply. "You weren't up all night we're you?" She asks while rubbing her eyes. 'Shit it's morning already?!' "Sorry, I had... couch troubles. I didn't want to wake you." I admit.

"Well I really must congratulate you." Amy says gleefully. 'Sex?!' My mind wonders. "For three days in a row you were up before me." She finishes. My smile drops slightly. But I cover by walking over to her and kissing her forehead. "You have really cute bedhead~" I flirt. "Hehe shut up!" She retaliates. "Want some breakfast?" She asks innocently. "Ugh- maybe we should just have cereal. I'm starting to think those pancakes disagreed with your stomach." I lie. "Oh-yeah, must have been those pancakes ha ha...." She seemed to laugh nervously. 'Aw she's probably embarrassed.' I concluded.

She pulls away, much to my disappointment, and grabs two bowls. I grab the cereal and milk as I hear her open up the silverware drawer. We sit down in my livingroom as I don't have a big enough apartment for a kitchen table as we turn on the T.V. and decide on watching The News since nothing good is on anyways.

"Goooood MORNING Central City, I'm your anchor, Benny Beaver here, with the Central City News. We're starting off your day with the latest News...." A knock at the door causes me to stop listening. I toss my bowl in the sink, haphazardly, and go to my door. "Yo Sonic you up?!" I hear a familiar kitsune's voice call out. I open the door and I'm greeted by not only Tails but Cream, Rouge and Knuckles.....greeeeeaaat.

After a few "hellos" and "good mornings" they just barged right in. This is very uncommon as everyone knows Amy and I don't have very large apartments. "Wow you were right Rouge, Amy would be the first to wake up." I hear Cream say not realizing how inappropriate her comment may seem. "Morning everybody, sorry, but Sonic only had cereal. Those pancakes did not agree with me. I'm thinking of chucking that book too." I hear Amy at the center of the livingroom. I re-enter the livingroom and choose to ignore Knuckles and Tails rummaging through my kitchen. I sit back down on the floor as Rouge and Cream seemed to have taken my spot. They were all chatting for a couple of moments before a "breaking news anthem" caught everyone's attention.

"This just in, the chief of police's son, Rodney Rat.... is still missing. And was likely kidnapped, now being missing for over 24 hours, many are concerned for their young one's safety as well... Many are awaiting at the police station to hear a press conference from the cheif. RIGHT. NOW." My heart stopped as I saw the sworm of people currently awaiting the chief's comments/ answers. I look over at Amy from the corner of my eye, and see her being the most calm and composed as can be.

'Daaaamn she's good!'


*Amy's POV*

The chief starts explaining that his son is only 14, and that he's still practically a child, and how there's people working hard to find him yadda yadda yadda....

'Who gives a fuck, the kid was a creep, and seriously, A 14 YEAR OLD BOOOOY. He was practically an adult. He should've known better.... He did know better...' I finish criticizing internally.

"Amy?" I look to face the face from which that voice came from. "Yeah Cream?" I ask as innocently as I can, knowing what I know.

"I think I saw that boy once..." My ears and Sonic's head perked up at this. "Really hun, what like at school?" Rouge questioned her. "I... I think I saw him following me home once." Cream quivered slightly. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME- I mean us?" Tails quickly asked. "Well I was gonna but I never saw him again so I didn't think about it. Until now I guess." Cream finished with such confusion in her eyes.

"Weeell, it's not like it's an issue anymore, but if something happens again, tell us please." I pleaded her. And with a nod of understanding, we continued our day. I tried my best to hold back my relationship status with Sonic as Cream seemed to want to calm herself first.

'I'll tell her eventually.' I tell myself.


*Sonic's POV*

After everyone left. I glance at Amy every few minutes. 'Dude don't ask her SHIT! She'll tell you something if she needs to. She's always had a cool head about these things.... well maybe not murder up until recently but-' "I know what you're thinking Sonic..." Amy interrupts my brain. "And no I'm not gonna worry about the rat." Amy says not taking her eyes of the T.V.

"Okay I understand.... but..." I stop, in an attempt to grab her attention, "....what about Cream?" I say. once she faces me. She sighs and turns her body towards me. "Sonic... he's dead. He can't hurt her-" "Oh no not that." I cut her off. "I was talking about our.... relationship status." I finally reveal. "OH! Yeah I'll tell her next time. Why don't you tell Tails?" She noted.

"I don't wanna spend time with Tails, I'll just wait till Cream tells him." I say slightly repulsed. 'Besides, after what he's said recently, I don't wanna accidentally hurt him.' " Sonic, he's been your friend slash brother since forever. What's gotten into you?" Amy said skeptically.

'Shit she doesn't know about the pancakes!!!' My mind panicked.

'What the hell am I gonna tell her?!'

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