Chapter 5

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ADULT CONTENT AHEAD.... pft... Head 😂


*Amy's POV*

Sonic slowly got on top of me. I could feel his member along my thighs. I gently pushed them together out of reaction. "MMH~" Sonic moaned. I couldn't help but blush. "Sonic... can you please... can you-" "I know, gentle." He said tenderly as he leaned foward to kiss me once more.

He grinded his staff along my now wet panties. "Chaos he's good!' "Amy.... Oh CHAOS~" He hissed as he continued to grind his groin on mine. 'So much for stay on your side of the bed....oh well I wanted this.' I blissfully gave in.

"Ca-....Can I touch your breast?" He moaned out while still grinding. "Yea-Yeah... but..." I stopped myself. "But what?" Sonic slowed down momentarily. "They.... aren't the.... biggest-" "I don't care about that." Before I could react to his comment, he lifted my tanktop and proceeded to reach for the bra hook, unfortunately, it was in the front, making it all the easier for him to get what he wants.


'Aaaaaaand they're too small....I give up.... I'm just gonna get up and leave- OH CHAOS HE'S SUCKING ON THEM!!! '


*Sonic's POV*

'Chaos she tastes sweet.... hmmm....taste~.... I'll check for that in a minute.... but first... flora and fauna need some proper attention~'

"Mmmnah Sonikku~" Amy moans out my petname causing me to hump and suck harder. I can hardly control myself. But any other man would have taken her quickly with no care for her desires. Really it's her fault. She had taken off her shorts before she even got into my room. Now if that doesn't scream "FUCK ME NOW!" I don't know what does... But then she must've changed her mind as she claimed her "side" of the bed.... But of course.... her wishes first.... she helped me out A LOT today.

But my desires were important too. So I shall do my best to satisfy her long awaited desires, while I pleasure myself too. 'Shit this feels good. I can't even remember if I ever felt like this before. Yeah I had a few wet dreams and I only masturbated once.... due to Amy's 16th birthday pool party.... fuck that bikini was hot... fuck my dick is hot. Let's try something new...'

" Amy, I'm going down ok?" I say questionably but I meant it more as a statement. "Down? Oh!....yeah ok." She bashfully says as she looks away. 'Okay Sonic, just slide off the panties, and carefully start licking- oh wow she smells nice!' And without another moment I proceeded to suck on her labia. "Ah-ooh~oh Sonic~mmnnah how are you so good- you haven't-?" I rise up quicker than Amy can ask. "No you're my first.... but I guess I got a little curious on the internet when I turned 18." I shyley state, as I realized I'm still holding on to her legs, I quickly get back to work . "O-Oh Sonic I'm sorry I doubted you.... you are ....nngah... really good~" As Amy tells me of my natural pleasuring abilities I get harder and harder. "Hm-hmmm believe me Ames~" I pause to suck on her clit for a moment, "Your body is just as pleasurable to look at~" I purr out.

I then proceed to massage her breasts causing her to moan and pant even more. I realize that I'm still wearing a shirt, well, and my boxers but that can wait. "H-huh *pant pant* why'd you-....oh." I hear Amy say as I rise up to remove my shirt. "Ames...." I slur slightly. "Hmm? Yeah Sonikku?" She groans slighty. "I need to know..." I stop to rise up her momentarily, "....are you ok with doing this- I mean- I am-" She stops my speech by pulling me into a passionate kiss. She opens her mouth slightly as to allow my tongue to enter. She grimaced slightly, not liking her own taste. I however, find it delectable.

Amy then pulls away and holds my muzzle to face her. "Sonikku, I love how sweet you are.... but if you don't fuck me right now I think I'm gonna die." She says bluntly. "Uh-yeah okay." I reply. I take off my boxers to reaveal my staff. "Sonikku?" Amy lets out along with a shaky breath. "Huh? What is it Ames?" I was now worried. 'Is it too small....?' I perceive. "That's.... well... kinda big...." Amy stutters out, trying her best to cover her blush. 'Wait.... she thinks it's too big?' "Ames I'm only, like, 6 inches-" "More like 8." Amy cuts me off bluntly. "Do you... not wanna-" "NO I'LL DO IT....Just.... please be gentle Sonikku." She finished with a hint of fear. I swear if I do end up hurting her... I'll kill myself.

I proceed, determined to make her the happiest hedgehog alive tonight. I gently rub my tip along her labia. Some pre-cum comes out of my dick at the new sensation. I look up quickly to see Amy looking at my every move, with a hand on her stomach, as if protectively. I push the tip of my dick in and can instantly feel Amy's thighs tighten around me. Causing me to go about halfway in. "Nnngnah~" Amy cries out. "Sorry Sonikku....I-I panicked." She says with watery eyes. "It's okay Ames, but I'm close to your barrier, so this might hurt." She nods in approval to this as I go further in, feeling her virgin barrier. I breath in and push through instantly to get it over with..... I probably should have gone slower.

Amy let out a blood curdling scream. She also squeezed her legs around me completely, in all honesty it's hurting my dick too. But I'm really torn by the fact I hurt her so much but after a minute she sighs and loosens up her legs and beckons me to continue. I kiss her stray tears away as I pump in and out. In. Out. In. Out. 'Chaos she feels fan-fucking- tastic.' I think unable to hold in my smile and proceed to go slightly faster every few minutes.

After about 20 minutes, Amy's moans are more and more frequent, I know she's about to climax, so I gather all my strength to try and climax at the same time as her. 'She deserves it.' I think to myself. "Ah. Ah. AH. AH. SONIKKU!!!" "AMES!!!" We climaxed to together. I can feel her whole body shake as I collapse on top of her.

"Thank- *pant pant* Thankyou Sonikku~" Ames moaned out. "I'd do anything..." I stop to rise us and look her in the eyes, "...anything.... for you... I love you Amy Rose." I finally reveal. "I- I love you too Sonic." Amy lets out with a few tears rolling down her face.

And we that, we kissed one last time and fell asleep. With our groins still connected, intertwined, just like our fingers.

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