Chapter 10

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*Amy's POV*

'Woooow I'm lucky, there was an old house by the meadow that had been for sale for nearly 10 years and no one wanted it?!' I mentally wonder in excitement.

"You think it's haunted or somethin'?" Sonic asked nervously. I only laugh and shake my head. "Don't be silly." I joke. We're currently walking up to said house as we were able to do the paperwork then and there. The real estate agent seemed really eager to sell it to us. 'Prolly' cuz' we famous.' I mentally boast.

"Ames? Is that it?" Sonic asked looking up at a decaying McMansion type of house. It was nearly 3,000 square feet and had 5 bedrooms. It was actually really cheap for its size. 'Okay maybe now I'm thinking someone died in there.'

"Holy shit. I didn't think it'd be this big. And you said it was fairly cheap?" Sonic pondered.

"Yeah, guess we scored huh? Come on let's see what we bought in person." I motion for him to follow. "You mean, let's see what you bought." Sonic joked nervously. Probably embarrassed that he didn't have much to offer me money-wise. Not that I'd care really, but I knew how it must be for him. "Well once we move in, it will be our house." I assure him. His eyes lit up and I could sense his tail wagging. 'Sooo cute.'


Of course Sonic had to clean up all the spiderwebs and dust. All for me. While I was dropped off to pack my things and tell the manager we'd be moving out by the end if the week, which is 3 days from today. I start delicately packing my silverware and plates. I had finished packing most of my clothes since half of them were at Sonic's anyways. He'd pack his things tommorow, while I pack away any miscellaneous items, like books and bathroom essentials. I remembered that the door knob had been unable to lock/close properly and wondered if I should mention it to the manager. I tape up the box, label it kitchen, and head down to the manager's. After a quick knock he opened the door.

"Oh hello, is everything all right?" The aged rabbit said. He was about 45 or so I think. "Hey Al, I'm sorry I know it's getting late but I have some kinda-last-minute news. Sonic and I are moving out, we kinda want out of the city, to move in ... well together... somewhere else." I bashfully state. He nods and was about to speak when I cut him off. "OH! And my front door-knob should be replaced. It won't lock or close right." I finish off embarrassed. "Oh I see, when will I expect to see you two gone?" He asked. "Oh before the end of the week I think." I say a little unsure, since I knew we might have to fix up any repairs needed and have an inspector drop by. "Alrighty thanks for telling me you two, bye now." He says while closing the door.


Wait? You TWO?


"I thought you'd be asleep by now Ames?" I turn to see Sonic behind me. With his arms crossed. LOOKING CROSSED.


*Sonic's POV*

I walk in to see Amy knocking on the manager's door. Not a big deal. Until I see her blushing as she talked to him. I walk up behind her. She didn't even acknowledge me.

"Alrighty thanks for telling me you two, bye now." The manager says while closing the door. 'At least he acknowledged me.' I thought bitterly. I cross my arms to keep them from grabbing Amy. "I thought you'd be asleep by now Ames?" I ask her, grabbing her attention.

"...Sonikku?" She says before turning around. Then out of nowhere she hugs me. "Aww sweety I've missed you!" She says while hooking her arms with me. "Let's go to your apartment, mine is full of boxes. I'm almost done!" She notable celebrates. "Only the heavy furniture and miscellaneous items remain. Oh and the few bathroom essentials." She finishes.

We make it to my apartment. It's now 9:36. Way too late for my rose to be working. But I had to get her out of the way. I cleaned up the house easily. Contacted an inspector to come by tommorow. And lastly... I got Amy's ring.

Yeah it was pricy but worth it. It was a simple light-pink diamond with a gold band. I know she'll love it.


"Sonic?" Amy asked me as I laid myself down in bed. "Hm?" I hum back. "Why did it take you so long to admit you love me?" Amy questioned me sorrowfully. I open my eyes to face her but shes looking at the ceiling. "I mean-.... I know you've always hid your feelings... but what made you open up all of a sudden?" She said finally looking at me. "... I guess..." I start off slowly, "... I couldn't help but fall for you because of your amazing pancakes." I kid. "Hahaha! Sooonic I'm serious!" Amy laughs out.

'So am I... well partially anyways.' I admit mentally.

"Hm hm I'm sorry, I don't know why it matters anymore. Forget I asked." Amy mumbled before she yawned.


"....Amy ... I don't know what to tell you but... I do love you." I confess. I have to keep the pancakes secret for now. "I know you do.... I ... *yawn* .... love you ... too." Amy wispers as she finally falls asleep.

"I love you more." I confess the honest truth before shutting my eyes one last time.

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