Chapter 26

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Whaaaaat? An update? Yes an update.

Sorry I couldn't do it yesterday- I FINALLY SAW THE SONIC THE HEDGEHOG MOVIE THO!

It was pretty good actually, a bit more for kids or a laugh for teens.

I'm alive and well even though it seems scary here in California I'll continue to work on my fanfictions and art.

So yeah... new chapter 🙂


*Sonic's POV*

"I do."

I said it. I finally said it! After a month of anxiety and preparation, not only cuz we weren't so sure if it would rain or not but Amy's current health with the baby made me bottle up most of my fears. I didn't want her to worry. But now we're here! Getting married.

Amy's tears of joy finally came through as the priest said, "You may kiss the bride."

Honestly I hardly heard him during the ceremony, I was so focused on Amy. She was paralyzing. In a good way! She wore an off the shoulder dress with a a longer part in the back while the front had shown her lower thighs. The whole thing was white with small little pink flowers and mini-vines to embellish them. And she wore a matching flower crown to hold the veil in place.

Luckily my selective hearing made sure I heard those magic words and I slowly lifted the veil and pulled Amy by the waist to seal the deal. I was still in ecstacy at her taste.

I wanted to linger more but Amy pulled away to wipe her tears and avoid ruining her face with mascara. I was now aware that everyone we invited was cheering.

"Have I ever told you that you don't need makeup to look gorgeous~?" I flirted as we walked back down the aisle as we heard many well wishes especially from Knuckles who elegantly said, "Hey it's not like she can get more pregnant so enjoy tonight!" While Rouge smacked his head, a bit overly strong by the looks of, she looked rather upset too. I'm surprised Amy ignored that. Especially considering she's had some mood swings recently. Speaking of the baby/babies they've been showing signs of healthy on track behavior and Amy's stomach grows as they do. She's barely has a small bump but if you really look, it's visible.

"Save the flirting for later, we have a cake to cut." She was still to beautiful to take my eyes off even when we stopped in front of the cake. She had to take my hand in order for me to pay attention.

After the cake, we went around talking to our guest.

Basically there was Tails, Cream, Vanilla, little-kinda old- Cheese the chao, Knuckles, Rouge-who said Shadow would be dropping in later (?), and our old landlord and his wife, Al and Penelope Rabbbit.

Although Orbot did come by earlier to discreetly give me an envelope from Eggman. It basically said, "Still alive! And that cult is too, I think that Chief if police is more unstable too... maybe take a chance to tell him something... But anyhoo... Congrats on growing a pair >;-)"

I knew he was suggesting I go to the police soon, but not until a few more days. I had a plan though. I'd go buy "whatever" for Amy as a newlywed gift, then I'd go report a "suspicion" hopefully making the police lose track of his son and getting his eyes off of me.

Simple yes, but even I was sure it wouldn't go perfectly.

But that didn't cause me to lose my nerves at the altar. Especially since Tails was at my side to help with both problems.

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